Welcome to our Belize Eco Village Bulletin 18 update. We are excited to connect with like-minded people who share our values, virtues, and visions. For those of you who feel connected to our BEV project for a healthy lifestyle and investment haven please reach out to us and let us hear from you. My last trip to Belize was in August and since then I have been busy with 5 trips including recent due diligence and Eco Village property scouting trip to Puerto Rico.
We bought the BEV property in February 2015 and now have title, electricity, water and two houses completed. We have experienced a roller coaster of adventure, challenges, comedy, drama, puzzles, surprises and weather issues from the beginning but are now shovel ready for the next phase. While the land acquisition, title process, and construction exceeded our budget and timeline, we are grateful for all that we have accomplished so far and ready for the next major phase.
Rainy season came late and it was extremely dry in June, July, and August. September and October yielded significant rain which provided much relief for the garden, plantings and rain storage tanks. The caretaker is focused on the garden, landscaping and replacing trees destroyed by the fire in June. Cabbage Hall road was recapped and reshaped prior to the rains.
Two SCEB Homes Completed
As we reported previously our first two Stabilized Compressed Earth Block (SCEB) homes are complete with the electricity and septic systems operational. We are now waiting on Don Norris to bring his trucks to the property with supplies and tools for future projects such as the Eco shell 1 dome home. We will rent the MDI airform and support equipment from the owner in northern Belize and use his experienced crew to start construction when we have blueprints and Central Building Authority approval to build.
We are currently at the proverbial fork in the road. We can march in place until we sell the Uvita Costa Rica property which will free up funds for our Belize Eco Village project. Or as announced previously we are focused on attracting an experienced eco-friendly developer joint venture partner now. Since Belize is a popular ecotourism destination we listed our Executive Investment Summary on the Beltraide website to promote our project. It provides an overview of the 640-acre project and has a drone video promotion. Please review and share it now.
The goal of the Morningstar NEWS is to condense hours of research down to two minutes of education, information and inspiration for a healthy lifestyle and mindset. After completing two SCEB homes we now feel EcoShell 1 domes will provide an even better healthy and sustainable home. We are eager to find the right JV partner to help with the land plan and survey work so we can begin selling lots for eco-friendly homes like Eco shell 1 dome homes in our BEV community. Remember we appreciate your ideas and thoughts to guide us to interested investors. Who do you know that might be a great fit?
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Foot Pain to Pain-Free in Seven Steps
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