Plastic pollution in ocean water

Have you heard about buildings containing asbestos causing major health problems? Have you heard about the chemicals, herbicides, and lead in the Flint Michigan water supply? Have you heard about lead in gasoline and paint causing serious health issues? Most people have heard about these health hazards, but often it was decades after exposure. Did you know that there are many health hazards associated with the materials, microplastics, and mold in our environment?

What do you know about the health hazards associated with manufactured materials, mildew, and mold? Most people are severely unaware of the number of health hazards linked to manufactured materials, mildew, and mold that are ever present in their lives. Unfortunately, these are not topics taught in school or commonly talked about.

In many previous blogs, we have discussed the abundance of health hazards in our environments, homes, offices, and vehicles. Now it is time to take an in-depth look at the manufactured materials, mildew, and mold that are very common and may be silent saboteurs harming your health.

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to help people with education, information, inspiration, and motivation to learn about manufactured materials, microplastics, and mold that can harm your health and wreck your wealth.


Health Hazards in Manufactured Materials

Many manufactured materials may become health hazards in our air, carpets, clothes, food, furniture, garages, homes, offices, stores, water, and yards. Did you know there are over 160,000 chemicals and 350,000 chemical mixtures globally?

There is an art and science to understanding what chemicals, compounds, and combinations are in the products you choose. Understanding basic biology, chemistry, physics, and toxicity will help you be more aware. Conscious and mindful of your choices and decisions. Our choices affect our quality and longevity of life. If your happiness, harmony, health, and longevity are important, understanding the possible health hazards in manufactured materials is key to making better choices.

Learning about the health hazards in manufactured products requires you to read ingredients and labels. Next, you must educate yourself about the chemicals, compounds, or concoctions that may contain health hazard ingredients. Then it is important to make healthier choices and decisions. To enjoy a happy, healthy, and harmonious lifestyle requires you to do your best to avoid health hazards and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Finding the most natural choices and options requires commitment, energy, money, and time to find the research, resources, and role models to guide you to more effective and efficient strategies. When we understand and avoid the risks we can identify and enjoy the rewards of better happiness and health. Is it time to update and upgrade your lifestyle choices and decisions? Review this list of potential health hazards to expand your avoidance and awareness to protect your health better.

  • Air quality is important. Be aware of any chemicals, jet fuel, pollution, tire rubber particles, vehicle exhaust, and VOCs.
  • Artificial additives, colorings, flavorings, fragrances, preservatives, and synthetic vitamins can be health hazards.
  • Artificial sweeteners in beverages and foods are a serious health hazard.
  • Biosludge wastewater treatment plant.
  • Body care products are often loaded with health-hazard chemicals and compounds.
  • Burning trash releases many chemicals. Many people still burn trash containing chemicals, heavy metals, plastics, and other toxins.
  • Carpets often contain chemicals to enhance stain resistance.
  • Children’s toys often contain harmful paints, parts, and plastics.
  • Cleaners used for homes and offices often contain chemicals that are health hazards.
  • Clothes contain many chemicals, dyes, and fire retardants.
  • Commercial manufacturing plants often release significant chemicals and compounds into the air, soil, and water.
  • Fast, fake, junk, and Frankenstein foods that contain GMO ingredients are a serious health issue.
  • Fires from forest fires, grass fires, refuse burning, and trash dumps release significant pollutants.
  • Food: Read the ingredients and labels for all food items before you purchase them. Ask about food ingredients before you consider eating at restaurants.
  • Furniture often contains dyes, fire retardants, and stain-resistant treatments that can be severe health hazards.
  • Garages often contain chemicals, paints, pesticides, and yard products.
  • Heavy metal toxicity is a serious health hazard. Be extremely careful to avoid ingesting aluminum, cadmium, lead, mercury, and nickel.
  • Herbicides are used in many cities, farms, foods, and roadways.
  • Homes typically contain many chemicals and health hazards. Binders, paints, fungicides, sealants.
  • Insecticides are being sprayed on foods, homes, neighborhoods, and offices.
  • Insect repellent: DEET is an example of a serious health hazard.
  • Kitchen items may contain chemicals, heavy metals, plastics, and toxic compounds.
  • Laundry detergents and dryer sheets can be a serious environmental hazard.
  • Light bulbs often contain harmful chemicals and heavy metals like mercury.
  • Linens often contain chemicals and fabric treatments that can harm you.
  • Lumber and wood products treated with chemicals are a serious concern.
  • Makeup often contains chemicals and heavy metals that are unhealthy.
  • Microplastics are a serious issue and will be discussed more in Part II.
  • Mosquito repellents often contain harmful chemicals.
  • Nanoparticles are being manufactured that may pose serious health hazards. Be very careful.
  • Offices often use chemicals and compounds that can harm your health.
  • Pans and pots made with low-quality materials can be harmful. Avoid aluminum cookware. Be sure to buy ceramic, glass, or other quality cookware products.
  • Pesticides are sprayed on farms, foods, golf courses, and yards, exposing you to serious health hazards.
  • Petroleum refineries are known to cause chemical byproducts that pollute the environment.
  • Petroleum products can contain many health hazards, like benzene.
  • Plastics are a potpourri of chemicals and health hazards.
  • Polyfluoroalkyl substances PFAS in firefighting foam and plastics are dangerous health hazards.
  • Prescription medicines can contain carcinogens, chemicals, compounds, and contaminants that can cause serious adverse reactions.
  • Preservatives in foods can be harmful.
  • Railroad accidents are a significant contributor to chemical spills. The train derailment near Palestine, Ohio, caused major environmental chemical contamination.
  • Seasonings and spices may contain chemicals, heavy metals, MSG, or other health hazards.
  • Shoes often contain chemicals, dyes, and treatments that can harm you.
  • Shampoos and soaps often contain harmful chemicals and compounds.
  • Stores often use chemical health hazards for air fresheners and cleaners.
  • Sunscreen often contains harmful ingredients.
  • Supplements often contain additives, colorings, and synthetic ingredients that are unhealthy.
  • Synthetic fabrics and materials often contain health hazards. IMO, Natural fabrics and fibers are healthier. Choose wisely.
  • Swimming pools and hot tubs often contain unhealthy chemicals.
  • Tattoos often contain harmful dyes and heavy metals that are health hazards.
  • Toys often contain harmful plastics.
  • Vaccines can contain adjuvants, aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury, polyethylene glycol (PEG), and other health hazards.
  • Vitamins made with synthetic compounds are not as beneficial as natural sources.
  • Wastewater treatment plants discharge.
  • Water is often contaminated with dangerous chemicals. It is important to learn what chemicals are in our water and take steps to filter your water.
  • Yards are often contaminated with fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides.

Preston Park- Billions. Original public domain image from Flickr

Call to Action

The call to action for this post is to inspire you to learn more about the manufactured materials in your foods, home, office, and world. Investing the energy, money, and time to educate yourself and read the ingredients and labels will pay big dividends for the rest of your life…or not, depending on your actions, choices, and decisions.

Helpful Hints

How will you benefit by developing the habit of reading at least one list of ingredients or labels per day to understand what you are buying and exposing yourself to? When you take action to be aware of and avoid harmful chemicals and manufactured materials, you can raise your standards and quality of life. Yes, it takes time to read articles, ingredients, and labels. Allocating quality thinking time to these topics will expand your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Remember…the power of our curiosity and questions determines our personal power to be happy and healthy… so choose wisely.

Passion for People & Planet

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense hundreds of hours of reading and research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration.

We encourage you to learn about chemicals in manufactured food, materials, and products.

“If we pollute the air, water, and soil that keep us alive and well, and destroy the biodiversity that allows natural systems to function, no amount of money will save us.” ~ David Suzuki

“To be young and aware is to know you’re being lied to; to know that a bright green future is possible; to know that we can reimagine the world, rebuild our cities, redesign our lives, retool our factories, distribute innovation and creativity and all live in a world that is not only better than the alternative but much better than the world we have now.” ~ Alex Steffen

“Chemicals and manufactured materials can harm you or help you…choose wisely. ” — Michael Morningstar

Milford Sound / Piopiotahi, New Zealand

Next Morningstar NEWS blog

Are Materials, Mildew, or Mold in Your Home Harming Your Health? Part II

Morningstar NEWS team is focused on selling our Belize Eco Village project and sharing only one blog per month in 2024 to focus on research, resources, and role models to find land for an eco-friendly retreat and wellness center in Puerto Rico and Texas that is accessible to more people. Who do you know that may be interested in joining our team and tribe?

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