How prepared are you for a natural disaster such as an: earthquake, fire, flood, hurricane, power outage, snowstorm, tornado or virus pandemic? Due to all the distressing news about China coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Earthquake and Hurricane Maria power outages in Puerto Rico, fires in Australia and California, hurricane Harvey floods and mold, volcanoes erupting, and Zika and Dengue fever virus it prompted me to do a risk assessment of various danger zones that could put me and my family at risk. It also reminded me that using common sense and good judgment suggests I do my part to take responsibility and be resourceful to increase my levels of preparedness, prevention, and protection. The Scouts founder Baden Powell wrote that to Be Prepared means “you are always in a state of readiness in mind and body to do your duty.” Remember…The Scout Motto: Be Prepared…provides powerful words with wisdom.
Just imagine for a minute how you would feel with the anxiety, fear, stress, and worry if a disaster or quarantine was hours away due to a China coronavirus (2019-nCoV). What resources and supplies do you have ready for your family to deal with a natural disaster and help ensure your health and well being? On January 10th I posted a follow up to the Virus, Words with Wisdom, with additional information on ways to be prepared for a possible spreading of the China coronavirus (2019-nCoV) knowing such events are very likely due to international travel. Now might be a great time to read those suggestions and be even more diligent about taking action to be prepared. My goal is to encourage people to focus on prevention, protection, and preparation for any natural disaster that could possibly impact you or your family throughout the year.
Be Prepared Supplies
- AM FM battery-powered and portable news and weather radios are great for times when a cell phone, computer or TV is not operational.
- Backpacks loaded with basics like bandana, batteries, candles, first aid kit, flashlight, gloves, hat, matches, pocket knife, rain jacket, stainless steel water bottles, and travel toiletries.
- Baking soda and magnesium are great ways to alkalize and energize our body which makes it more resilient to any bacteria or virus.
- Cars should contain a go-bag or small suitcase packed with clothes, essentials, and toiletries.
- Dehydrated fruits are smart choices to consider: apples, apricots, bananas, blueberries, cranberries, figs, goji berries, mangoes, mulberries, papaya, pineapple, prunes, and raisins.
- Dried bone broth or veggie broths with mushrooms, protein powder, and seaweed can make delicious soups.
- Energy and protein bars can be excellent options. Read the ingredients to avoid excess sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup.
- Essential oils have many health benefits and properties. Stock up with cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, lavender, orange, oregano, peppermint and tea tree.
- Fuel tanks should be kept at least half full. During Hurricane Ike in Houston, there was massive chaos when the power to gas pumps went out.
- Organic Extra Virgin coconut oil and olive oil provide a lot of calories and health benefits.
- First aid supplies like Band-aids, calcium bentonite clay, Epsom salt, face masks, Hydrogen peroxide, iodine, rubbing alcohol, and witch hazel are great products with many uses to help deal with bacteria and virus.
- Glass jars are great to have on hand. With minimal preparation, you can make kimchi or sauerkraut that will last for months.
- Important medicine kept on hand for a 90 day minimum supply. Back up plans and procedures for long term storage should be considered.
- Iodine tablets are great to purify water that may be contaminated and provide protection against pathogens.
- Outdoor BBQ pit, chiminea, rocket stove or gas grill with extra filled propane tanks can come in handy for cooking should the power go out.
- Nuts and seeds are also great ideas so consider almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, pistachios, and walnuts. Hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds are delicious and nutritious. Amaranth, chia, and quinoa seeds are also great choices.
- Stocking up with a variety of foods with a long shelf life is a great idea. Examples include almond butter, granola, honey, paleo pancake mix, pasta, pasta sauce, salmon, sardines and steel-cut oats. Beans, chickpeas, lentils, and rice are also low cost yet nutritious foods. If the power goes out most of the items in the freezer and refrigerator will go bad.
- Water storage containers, water filters, and water purification supplies are vitally important.
- Being able to quarantine or shelter in place for up to 90 days is a wise decision. One of the best places to be is in the comfort of your own home that is well stocked with food and supplies to deal with whatever disaster, storm or virus is causing destruction, disruption, and distress.
It is important to remember that our consistent actions, beliefs, and habits are the key factors that determine our health and resiliency. Remember that a virus seeks an inviting, vulnerable and weakened host to provide a habitat that allows them to adapt, grow, and multiply so choose wisely what you do and do not do improve your immune system in order to make yourself more resistant and resilient.
Passion for People & Planet
The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS is to condense hours of research down to two minutes of education, information and inspiration for a healthy lifestyle and mindset. Remember…our body is programmed to be healthy and resilient when we do our part to maintain it properly so…choose wisely. What will you do to make your immune system a higher priority during the China coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak?
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Belize Eco Village Bulletin 19
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