Welcome to the Belize Eco Village Bulletin 12 update. We are eager to hear from you regarding our research on building eco-homes if you share our values, virtues, and visions. As more eco-friendly people are seeking to find a tribe we hope you consider our Belize Eco Village and decide if it is a good fit for you. We are eager to share our lessons learned to help others and ask for your help as well. We are investigating building a variety of eco green homes. A special thanks to Carlos Reyes for his construction experience and suggestions. This is April 24 to May 1 trip progress report with our work progress.
In a previous Belize Eco Village Bulletin, we announced our Executive Investment Summary is now on the Beltraide website thanks to the help of Gian Hernandez and others. After eight years of blood, sweat, and tears our BEV project proposal is ready for release to the public. All comments, questions, and shares are greatly appreciated. Gian Hernandez and I also attended the Belize American Chamber of Commerce Investment Forum in Houston on February 28th to promote the project. Click here for the Beltraide Executive Investment Summary listing.
Two SCEB Homes
The two Stabilized Compressed Earth Block (SCEB) homes are about 98% complete. We feel these two high-quality homes that stay cool even in sunny tropical Belize have turned out even better than planned. However, since they exceed our planned budget we are now looking into EcoShell I dome homes for our next model homes. They will be described further in a future blog post. The ideas we learned during our October visit to Monolithic Dome Institute convinced us they require less labor, material and time and therefore lower construction costs.
The crew is completing the showers, basins, and toilets. The showers have a concrete pan and galvanized metal lining. We feel the industrial look and long term ease of cleaning will serve us well. They installed ceramic basins on a concrete counter and with a medicine cabinet and mirror above it. The toilet is American standard with eco-efficient water saving flush. (Belize Health Department has not approved our compost toilet plans yet) The septic system is installed by our crew is being supervised by a retired American plumber. The kitchen has a double stainless steel sink with draining shelf in front of the kitchen window. The refrigerator goes to the left and the stove goes to the right with a big pantry in the corner.
The doors and windows installation is going well. The painting is done for now. The rain gutter is attached and the rain storage tank is going in soon. We will be ready for the caretaker/security guard to move in with his family in early May.
The passion and purpose of the Morningstar NEWS are to condense hours of research down to two minutes of education, information and inspiration for a healthy lifestyle and mindset. Remember baby steps can lead to big success when you program your body and brain with proven steps for sustainable success. Eco homes are key to sustainable living and transition towns. How do EcoSheel domes stack up?
Next Morningstar NEWS blog
Kefir Kimchi Kombucha Kraut Kvass
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