In 2015 the Great NEWS posts are dedicated to sharing Healthy Habits and today we discuss the benefits of blessings and power of prayer to help empower, energize and enrich our life.  It is easy for us to get caught up in the materialistic model, rat race and “Shallow Hal” world where negative attitudes and emotions drag us down and harden our heart and harm our health.   To enhance and empower our day to day life it is essential for us to consider the benefits of blessing our many gifts and praying for the good judgment, grace, gratitude and guidance in living life at our fullest and higher good.  To remain happy, healthy and in harmony with our creator and consciousness we must focus on healthy habits like regular blessings and prayers to enrich and empower us.

Blessing our environment, family, nourishment and waters combined with prayers of faith, gratefulness and love helps keep us in a state of grace and gratitude.  When we learn to focus on mental serenity and mindfulness it is much easier to be calm, centered, cool and collected.  When we have a regular routine of blessings and prayer for everything around us and in our life we create a better body, mind and spirit connection.


A daily prayer practice has been found to help improve many areas of our life simultaneously.

It does not matter whether you call it adoration, blessings, church, grace, holy, meditation, mosque, praise, prayers, religion, sacred, scripture, spiritual, synagogue, temple or worship it is one of the most beneficial healthy habits we can engage in to maintain our resilience, vitality and well being.

A daily prayer practice has been found to help improve many areas of our life simultaneously.  It is beneficial to invest a few moments in gratitude and prayer throughout the day to help us stay centered, directed and focused on what is really most important in our life. Simple steps like blessing our beverages and food and giving thanks for everyone and everything that contributed to the process of nourishing our body, mind and spirit is helpful for our happiness and health.  When you go without clean water and healthy food for a few days you will quickly realize how precious these gifts are that we easily and often take for granted.

Blessings and prayers are easy and effective for synchronizing our body, mind and spirit to resonate and vibrate at a higher emotional, mental and physical level than we might otherwise be at without them.  Prayer requires a minimum amount of effort and time to connect with our higher power and purpose.  We can add in blessings and prayer throughout the day to acknowledge, accept and admire the magic and miracles that takes place in our life on a continual basis.

With blessings and prayers in our life we open up our brain, heart and soul to allow the goodness and grace to flow through us and inspire us.  As part of a daily routine it can help us be more alert, awake and aware about the bigger meaning and message about life which is to laugh, learn, love and leave a legacy honoring future generations.  To keep our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual aspects aligned remember to recite blessings and prayers of thanks and worship.

Even health experts, researchers and professionals have found that blessings, prayers and worship can provide profound benefits to help heal, repair and restore our mental and physical well being.

Some people try blessings and prayer when they need or want health or help in some area of their life.  While we can definitely ask and engage in prayer for assistance with our struggles, trials and tribulations imagine how much more deserving, powerful and profound our prayers would be if we maintained them on a continual and constant basis when things are going well as well as wrong.

Many people feel they are too busy, distracted, frazzled, hectic, hungry, involved, reserved, rushed, secretive or whatever to be concerned with taking an extra few minutes for blessings and prayers.  Blessings and prayers are not a means of getting things it is a means of giving praise and thanks for the many gifts we already have.  Prayer connects us to the angels, creator, divine, Gods, heavens, Mother Earth, saints, spirit, souls and Supreme Being of our universe.

Any form of blessing, chant, devotion, gesture, kneeling, genuflection, mantra, meditation, mindfulness, mudra, prayer, prostration, reflection, song, submission, touch or words directed to enliven and enrich our higher self and spirit is beneficial to enhance our happiness, health and well being.

Some common benefits of a regular prayer practice includes improving our state of:  affluence, bliss, calm, clarity, concentration, connection,  creativity, focus, healing, love, manifesting, mental awareness, peace, quality of life, relationships, relaxation, resilience, stability, thinking, vibration and well being.

When we develop a daily blessings and prayer practice we may find our self feeling even more happy, healthy, holistic and in harmony in multiple areas of our wheel of life.

Prayer Promotes Better Body and Brain


A blessing or prayer can be done in as little one half minute yet still provide some lasting peace of mind.

Our body is easily strained and stressed from everyday life.  This can hinder our level of peace, performance and productivity.  When we invest even a little bit of time during our day in blessing and prayer we tune out the negative influences and tune into the positive ones.  This can help us reverse feeling sad, sick, stressed and tired so we feel happy, healthy, in harmony and energized instead.

If we allow our brain to be conflicted, confrontational and confused it can spill over into other areas of our life and prevent us from living our passion and purpose.  Doing a blessing, meditation or prayer can provide a quick rebalance, relief and reset to benefit our brain.

With a daily prayer practice most people will experience an improvement in their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health and well being.   This benefit combined with drinking and eating healthy beverages and foods increases our quality of life.

A blessing or prayer can be done in as little one half minute yet still provide some lasting peace of mind.

For busy people the very act of investing some time in blessings and prayer is a great way to remind ourselves that if we really want to manifest our values, vision and mission in life we must fuel our faith, grace and hope with prayer.  Give it a try several times a day when you are feeling anxious, nervous or worried.  Take a deep breath, hold it and release it with a short prayer as you release the tension to the universe and trust that you will be gifted and guided towards manifesting your outcomes.

Prayer helps to align our body, mind and spirit so we are better able to maintain and sustain our happiness, health and harmony.  Meditation and prayer is our chance to look within and create a closer relationship with our creator and divine power.  Every part of our life will benefit and become more congruent when we embrace time for blessings and prayer.

Prayer is a great way to reinforce our best beliefs, behaviors and biology which can help maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle.  Any form, variety or style of prayer are helpful for connecting us back to our soul and spirit.  Prayer helps us create a more positive emotional, mental, physical and spiritual attitude.

Practicing prayer on a daily basis helps us avoid the trap of praying only when we need or want something that seems outside our range.   Developing a personal prayer practice can build a more solid foundation in our community, family, marriage, religion and spiritual life.  Imagine how much better our life could be by starting our morning with prayer, blessings before meals and prayer before bedtime.

Wheel of Life Benefits

Smiling Woman

During blessings and prayer it is easier to experience the enhanced states of charity, faith, grace, hope, gratitude, love, peace and selfless service.

Our mind benefits from the calming affect prayer offers.  We perform better when we synchronize our brain and body to be calm, centered, collected, cool and congruent.  Prayer helps nurture our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well being.

Prayer is obviously going to benefit our spiritual life.  Devoting quality time to prayer helps us stay connected with our divine guidance and higher wisdom.  When we offer blessings and prayer we are able to more easily access amazing clarity and connection to spiritual energy, information and transformation. Prayer prevents needless pain and promotes peace.

Prayer helps improve our relationship with our community, creator, self and others.  During blessings and prayer it is easier to experience the enhanced states of charity, faith, grace, hope, gratitude, love, peace and selfless service.  Prayer helps to strengthen and support our relationships.

Prayer has been a powerful process for many people to help them learn and progress in their personal growth and self development.   When we align our personal power with prayer it is much easier to tap into our full potential and access our peak performance abilities.

It is easier to sustain our profession in life when we tap into the power of prayer to help keep us passionate and pure in our pursuits.  When we align our body, mind and spirit in a state of grace amazing things come together so we are able to be a powerful force for good.  Prayer helps us to maintain and sustain being happy and healthy.

When our finances are not performing as we wish they would could it be because we are forgetting the power of prayer to help prevent us from self sabotaging our success?  Prayer is a powerful process to help us add massive value which allows us to reap our rewards and progress on our path to financial freedom.  Our ability to create, think and work is our greatest asset so setting aside time for prayer is beneficial to support our self in these endeavors.

Prayer is one of the most important aspects for having and sustaining our abundance in life.  It is the glue that binds our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well being to our creator.  Blessings and prayer are great to help maintain and sustain the state of bliss that reinforces enjoying even more abundance.

Prayer Suggestions

Prayer is a personal practice and any form that works for an individual works.  It has been around for thousands of years to help raise our being and thinking to a higher level of consciousness.  When we make it a part of our daily life it is like an infinite and unlimited source of energy and power to propel our life forward.

Bird of Paradise

Looking at special pictures, symbols or yantras can also help with creating a prayerful state.

These simple suggestions have helped many people to create a profound prayer practice.

  • Basic blessings and prayer can be as simple as blessing someone when they sneeze.
  • Blessing our beverages and food prior to consumption has been linked to positively changing the molecular structure.
  • Attend the church, temple or synagogue service of your choice to tune into the power of prayer and religion.
  • There are excellent prayer chants, lyrics, music and songs on CD to soothe our anxieties and worries.
  • Find some music, singing or words that helps you engage in a perfect prayer practice.
  • A daily prayer practice may include prayer beads or a rosary to connect your body and mind at a deeper level.  Group prayers and retreats can also be very rewarding and special.
  • Over achievers can even combine affirmations, goals, incantations and prayers into one. The Prayer of Jabez is one that resonates with many.
  • Looking at special pictures, symbols or yantras can also help with creating a prayerful state.  Our prayer practice is like tuning into a special cable TV or radio channel.  You have to be tuned in and listening to hear the message.

Healthy Habits

The Healthy Habits 2015 series is designed to offer simple suggestions to help create more happiness and harmony. Prayer is easy, free and terrific way to help promote a better overall health and well being.   Blessings and prayer is a great tonic for our body, mind and spirit.

This Great NEWS post on Healthy Habits shared simple suggestions for a prayer practice that can transform our quality of life.  Our wheel of life has more fullness, meaning and richness when we include blessings and prayer.  A daily prayer practice may be exactly what we need to connect us to our higher power and help us find the meaning of our life. Implementing the Healthy Habits suggestions are like sowing small seeds to germinate and transform our thinking.  Blessings to you and yours.

What is your current Gap?

Do you have a regular personal prayer practice?  How easy would it be to set aside a few minutes several times a day to connect with your higher power? How would you know if it was positively influencing your life?

Mastery Action Plan (MAP)

What mastery action plans and steps will you put in place to help you develop a prayer practice?  The Prayer of Jabez is a great short prayer with a powerful meaning and message.  We could all benefit from Prayers for Peace.  Maybe you will find the story of Our Lady of Lourdes in France interesting.  Feel free to listen to this short segment on Gregorian Chant to see how well it resonates with you.

Call to Action

What comments, commitments or concerns come to mind regarding the healthy habit of blessings and prayer?  What other ideas and inspiration will help motivate us towards better behaviors, beliefs and biology for a great 2015 and beyond?

Next week the Great NEWS blog will share:

Raving Realtionships

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