Children are growing up in a more complex, complicated, and confused world than at any time in history. Parents are stressed and struggling to do the best they can to raise, happy, healthy, wealthy, and wise children. Books (in all forms) offer access to powerful people and proven principles that can offer a wealth of wisdom to help you learn in days what the author learned over decades of trial and error.
During these crazy coronavirus conditions now is an even better time to find great books to help you and help your children become better at any area you want to focus on. This blog is dedicated to helping parents and all people to build a solid foundation for the life of their desires and dreams.
One of the best ways for adults and children to feel happy, healthy, and wealthy is to read more great books. Books offer coaching, guidance, and proven principles that can serve as a blueprint to develop better life skills and lifestyles.
“Books offer a gold mine of information that can provide education, excellent resources, and experience to guide you in any decision or direction you choose.” —Michael Morningstar
Books are the great equalizers that allow anyone to access the optimal references, resources, and role models in any theme, time, or topic we choose. With the complexities of modern life, we all need coaching, guidance, and role models to provide us with the skills and tools we need to make better choices and decisions. We all seek education, information, and inspiration to deal with challenges and changes to help us find the best course of action. With the help of books and history, we can learn how to invest our energy, money, and time in the most effective, efficient, and productive ways to feel happy, healthy, and wealthy while building a better world.
The books suggested below can help parents maximize the opportunities for themselves and their children. Books are the tickets to education, information, and inspiration for all adults and children around the world. Books can help us update, upgrade, and upload our minds with a wealth of valuable information and insight. Books can feed our body, mind, and spirit with the most important fuel of all, which is wisdom. Books help us find solutions and solve problems to make the world a better place.
Brilliant Books for Better Parents People and Planet
Books are the portals to higher education, information, and inspiration to help us be better adults and raise brilliant children. Books are the keys to the vaults of knowledge essential for transferring information to future generations so they can more easily grow into happy, healthy, wealthy, and wise adults. Books help adults and children understand the benefits of reading and writing to better collaborate, communicate and cooperate. While schools and teachers help children learn problem-solving skills and thinking trends, books are the data banks that hold the vast knowledge of wealth, wisdom, and wise ways of our elders.
Some of the best books in my opinion include:
- A – Z Steps to a Richer Life – Deepak Chopra – A special edition based on his bestseller Creating Affluence, which is a great book
- Ageless Body Timeless Mind – Deepak Chopra
- Anatomy of an Illness – Norman Cousins
- Awaken the Giant Within – Tony Robbins
- Baby-Led Weaning – Visit Baby Led Weaning
- Bible and all religious and spiritual books offer many life lessons and a wealth of wisdom to live by.
- Biology of Beliefs – Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
- Bulletproof Diet – Dave Asprey (also Fast This Way and Head Strong)
- Chicken Soup for the Soul – Mark Victor Hansen & Jack Canfield. Many other great ones were inspired by these authors.
- Children’s books – The More Books You Read the Better Readers Children Will Become.
- Conscious Parenting: The Holistic Guide to Raising and Nourishing Healthy, Happy Children by Gabriel Cousens, M.D., Leah Lynn
- Cracking the Code – Mark Victor Hansen
- Dance of Anger, Dance of Deception – Harriett Lerner Ph.D.
- Diet for a New America: How Your Food Choices Affect Your Health, Happiness and the Future of Life on Earth – John Robbins
- Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – Richard Carlson, Ph.D.
- Emotional Freedom Techniques – Gary Craig
- Fat for Fuel – Dr. Joseph Mercola O.D. (also Sweet Deception)
- Five Love Languages – Gary Chapman
- Greatest Salesman in the World – Og Mandino
- Healing is Voltage – Jerry Tennant M.D.
- How to Think Like Leonardo De Vinci – Michael Gelb
- How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie (Also read The Leader in You)
- Love Medicine and Miracles – Bernie Siegel M.D.
- Money Master the Game – Tony Robbins
- One Minute Millionaire – Mark Victor Hansen
- Perfect Health – Deepak Chopra
- Power Versus Force -David R. Hawkins M.D. Ph.D.
- Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki
- The Body Ecology Diet – Donna Gates, MEd, ABAAHP
- The Continuum Concept – Jean Liedloff
- The Daniel Plan – Rick Warren, Daniel Amen M.D., and Mark Hyman M.D.
- The Dirt Cure Healthy Food, Healthy Gut, Happy Child – Maya Shetreat, MD
- The Evolved Nest: Neurobiology, Wisdom, and Culture – Darcia Narvaez
- The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People – Stephen Covey
- The Magic of Thinking Big – David J. Schwartz Ph.D.
- The Power of Positive Thinking – Norman Vincent Peale
- The Richest Man in Babylon – George Clason
- The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success – Deepak Chopra
- The Surprising Power of Questions – Alison Wood Brooks and Leslie K. John (Also read about Socrates and asking questions)
- Think and Grow Rich – Napolean Hill
- Total Health Makeover – Marilou Henner
- Toxic Sandbox – Libby McDonald
- UnDo It – Dean Ornish M.D.
- Unlimited Power – Tony Robbins (Also Unshakable)
- What Do You Really Want for Your Children? – Dr. Wayne Dyer
- What to Expect When You are Expecting – by
You Can Heal Your Life – Louise Hay
The Morningstar NEWS blog is passionate about helping people be all they can be. Books are the great equalizers that level the playing field to enable everyone to access the education, information, and inspiration they need to accomplish what they desire. Parents can read books to help them be better parents and their children be better students.
Books with proven principles offer decades of information you can access in days to create the happy, healthy, and wealthy lifestyle you desire. The saying “Readers are leaders” offers powerful words with wisdom. Are you a leader and a reader? Consider a journal or mini-book to capture your best distinctions and life lessons to share with your family to help them be even more happy, healthy, and wealthy.
Passion for People & Planet
The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense hundreds of hours of reading and research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration. Books are the magic wands that open the doors to a wealth of wisdom. The referenced list of the best books for better parents, people, and the planet offers a basic checklist to offer you some great coaching and mentoring for books that can change your life for the better. Books are a great way to help adults and children be happy, healthy, and wealthy when we read them and apply their wisdom.
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