Do you like to dance? Most people have tried some form of dance over the years.  Unfortunately, many people forget the positive and powerful mind and mood-altering effects that dance creates.  What if energy psychology and the power of your conscious and subconscious communications during dance could influence the quality of your happiness and health? Maybe every doctor should write a healthy lifestyle prescription recommending a minimum daily or weekly dose of dance.

Today’s blog on energy psychology is dedicated to various forms of Eastern, ecstatic, 5 Rhythms, mystical, trance, tribal, and tantra dance. If being happy, healthy, and in harmony is important to you then this blog may help. When we find ourselves sad, sick, stressed, or struggling with the complexities of day-to-day life it may be time to take some dance lessons and get footloose and stomp your feet.  When we move our body in an ancient carefree, ecstatic, primitive, or tribal way we can tap into our core being and energy psychology to let go of the anxiety, stress, and tension that is hindering our happiness and health. When you immerse yourself in primitive dance trance you can reboot your body, mind, and spirit and help transform the quality of your life.

There are many forms and methods of dance trance to help you reconnect with your free spirit, inner child, and wild thing to reboot, reconnect, rejuvenate, restore, and revitalize your sanity and sense of well-being. Our body, heart, mind, and soul can become disconnected, disjointed, and disoriented in the complex and fast-paced world we live in these days. We can lose our compass and sense of direction. We can forget about our values, virtues, and vision. Dance trance is like a master reboot to update and upgrade our senses.

Batwa Pygmies people, African tribe, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Uganda, September 2017.

Dance, drumming, and music are like the universal vibration to reset and restore our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. The actual blending of mechanics, movement, and music creates a process externally and internally that is like the spin of electrons around the nucleus of a molecule. The process is the energy and rhythm of the universe. Our body, brain, heart, and spirit merge in the dance trance to create a temporary trance that restores and reunites our connection, consciousness, and creative oneness.  Dance, drumming, and music have been shown to calm and tame the wild beast that disrupts, distracts, and disturbs our emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

Energy psychology is the art and science of tapping into the ancient world of wisdom that can enhance the human experience of life to be happier, healthier, and in harmony. Dance trance is an easy, effective, and efficient way to feel comfortable, comforted, and connected. Dance trance can help you reprogram, rewire, and rewrite your emotional, mental, and physical states to enhance your happiness, harmony, and health.

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to help people with education, information, inspiration, and motivation to discover the best that energy psychology has to offer. Dance trance offers helpful and powerful ways to rapidly improve your happiness, harmony, and health.  Trance and tribal dance may be the fountain of youth and lost secrets of our ancestors. IMO The simple act of dancing can greatly improve a person’s emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual state and hence help improve the state of the world. There are many forms of dance trance to try.

African Dance and Drumming

African dance and drumming are fairly familiar to many people around the world. African dance and drumming are cultural phenomena that have spread to many other areas and countries. African dance and drumming serve as forms of celebration, ceremony, community, and cultural expression. It is believed to have emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual benefits that can expand your conscious and unconscious health and well-being. Awareness of African dance and drumming has spread to Asia, the Caribbean, Central America, Europe, the Middle East, South America, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Belly Dancing

Belly dancing is a form of unique dancing prevalent in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East, and Northern Africa. Belly dancing combines drumming, movements, and music in an energizing and expressive way.

Free public domain CC0 photo.

Bollywood and Hindu Dance

Many great Bollywood movies have scenes and stories where people are celebrating, dancing, singing, and totally immersed in having a great time. The movements and music can be very entertaining and inviting. If you are curious and open to new experiences, consider asking around until you find an opportunity to observe or participate in an Indian celebration, dance, ritual, or wedding. Each year there are numerous celebrations and events in Indian communities where dance and music play a big role. I recently attended a celebration of life ceremony and Kirtan with a group of people feeling grateful, joyful, and happy. Dancing and drumming unify, unite, and uplift people, even if they come from very different backgrounds and upbringings.

Five Rhythms

Five Rhythms is a meditation of movement practice developed by Gabrielle Roth. It combines a variety of global practices and indigenous traditions that include Eastern, ecstatic, mystical, shamanism, and tribal celebrations and dance. It also weaves in threads of Gestalt therapy that focus on energy psychology. human movement, and
transformation philosophy.

Sufi whirling. (2023, April 16). In Wikipedia.

Sufi whirling. (2023, April 16). In Wikipedia.

Mystic and Dance Trance

Mystic and dance trance is an ancient form of mental, physical, and spiritual practice that helps the person transcend into a deeper level of consciousness. One example is the Whirling Dervish of Turkey participating in a Sufi tradition that involves chanting, drumming, music, and a whirling dance trance. Also referred to as Dervishes Dance and Sufi Spinning the practice is designed to help the body, mind, and spirit transcend to higher levels of awareness. The Sufi poet Rumi has many profound quotes, thoughts, and writings that may be of inspiration and interest to one seeking cosmic consciousness and deeper devotion to their spiritual self.

Native American Dance

Have you ever been to a Native American pow-wow and watched the Indigenous people dance?  If you have not been to a pow-wow yet, it is well worth putting it on your bucket list. The chanting, dancing, and drumming are worth the energy, money, and time involved to attend a Native American pow-wow. There are many different types of drumming, regalia, styles, and tribes to choose from in Canada and the United States. The dancing and drumming at a pow-wow make a great family outing and may help people heal emotional issues and old wounds from previous generations. Native Americans have a very proud heritage and we should help celebrate and honor their beliefs and rituals.

Polynesian Dance

Have you seen a Pacific island Polynesian dance?  Some of the most viewed Polynesian dances performed are from the islands of Aotearoa (NZ), Fiji, Hawaii, Samoa, Tahiti, and Tonga. Many people are familiar with Hula (the Hawaiian word for “dance,”) often accompanied by a ukulele. Hula is a celebration dance and many believe it can be a form of magical transcendence between our conscious and subconscious states. There are also other more energetic, exaggerated, and exciting motions and movements that may be accompanied by chants, gestures, instruments, and support props such as drums or other percussion instruments. The Polynesian Cultural Center on the Hawaiian island of Oahu is a magical and wonderful place to learn and see many aspects of the various Polynesian cultures. Polynesian dance, drumming, and music will change your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual state. It can also provide a dancing exercise and fitness workout that is good for your body, mind, and spirit.

Tantra. (2023, May 31). In Wikipedia.

Tantra. (2023, May 31). In Wikipedia.

Tantra Dance Trance

Tantra Dance combines dancing yoga, Kundalini Energy activation, mystic dance, and spiritual awakening. Combining ecstatic dance, drumming, movement, and music in a unique mystic style helps a person open up their consciousness, emotions, and primordial self.  Tantra dance trance is a process designed to open your energy centers, channels, and chakras to help keep your emotions, energy, and essence flowing.

Call to Action

Most people can benefit from investing the energy, money, and time to make dancing and drumming a regular part of their healthy lifestyle. Dance may even be one of the easiest and most powerful ways to help you be a happier, healthier, and more humble human. Consider learning and trying different forms of dance to stimulate memories,  motions, and muscles to enhance your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Dancing may benefit you in many ways and help you create better behaviors, beliefs, body, and brain as it also improves your relationships and resilience. Dancing will benefit everyone that participates, so get out there and dance.

Helpful Hint

Remember …dance, drumming, movement, and rhythm are in our DNA and RNA. Dancing and drumming can positively influence our behaviors, beliefs, and best practices for making the world a better place. Dancing may even help improve your relationships. Consider watching the movies “Mama Mia” and “Shall We Dance” to help prime the pump. BTW If these dancing styles are outside your comfort zone, try some Country Dancing as you two-step to the music.

Passion for People & Planet

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense hundreds of hours of reading and research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration. This blog serves as a reminder that dancing, de-stressing, drumming, and dance trance can improve your happiness and health as it also improves your relationships.

“Remember…dancing and drumming are part of our DNA and RNA. When you want your body, mind, and spirit to feel calm, centered, congruent, and connected all you need to do is start dancing to some drumming or music.  Our conscious and unconscious parts will merge into oneness” —Michael Morningstar

Next Morningstar NEWS blog

Energy Psychology A – Z Food and Mood

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