Galaxy space astronomy pattern nature.

What motivates people to do what they do, feel what they feel, say what they say, and think what they think? A possible answer is the power of personality archetypes, identity, and programming. Energy psychology and human psychology are based on powerful principles that affect human behavior. In previous blogs, we discussed the power of avoiding pain and attracting pleasure. Pain and pleasure are powerful forces that direct human behavior. These forces are the operating system that runs software that opens the apps for the power of personality archetypes, identity, and programming. These in turn influence your behaviors, beliefs, and biophysics.

Personality types are often assessed using archetypes, DISC profiles, Ayurvedic Doshas, Enneagram, and Myers-Briggs methods.  These tools can help us better understand our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual traits that influence a high percentage of our behaviors, beliefs, and biophysics.

There is an art and science to understanding how your body and brain function. Understanding energy psychology and human psychology will help us be more aware, conscious, and mindful of our choices and decisions. Our choices affect our quality of life. Energy psychology is like a recipe book full of the best personal development and self-help recipes to help you create the life you deserve and desire. When your happiness, harmony, health, and healing are important, understanding the influence of energy psychology and human psychology is key to understanding and unlocking the mysteries of your body, mind, and spirit.

Energy psychology and human psychology influence people to do what they do. Learning about the power of archetypes, identity, and personal programming is like discovering the owner’s manual to operate your life more effectively and efficiently. An owner’s manual is helpful to guide you through the complex web of life to live a happy, healthy, and harmonious lifestyle. Our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual development revolves around our personality archetype, identity, and programming.

Energy psychology and human psychology are operating systems that direct your actions, beliefs, choices, and decisions to create your life experience. Finding the research, resources, and role models to discover more effective and efficient strategies can help create happiness, health, and harmony. When we understand the influence archetypes, identity, and programming have on our lives, we can program and reprogram our emotional, financial, mental, physical, and spiritual operating systems and software to update and upgrade our lifestyles.

Most people seek simple solutions, strategies, and suggestions to take control of their beliefs, emotions, and lives. Understanding archetypes, identities, and programming can help us boost our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Updating and upgrading our archetypes, identities, and programming is one of the most effective and efficient ways to reprogram our body and brain for happiness and success.

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to help people with education, information, inspiration, and motivation to learn energy psychology techniques like archetypes, identities, and programming to create the life they deserve and desire.

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Power of Archetypes

The power of archetypes has been well-researched. Some common and easy-to-understand archetypes are the caregiver, explorer, hero, jester, lover, magician, provider, rebel, sovereign, warrior, and wizard. The art and science of understanding archetypes can be a powerful programming influence on our actions, behaviors, beliefs, choices, and decisions. Archetypes can strongly influence how our nervous system perceives, performs, and processes our actions, behaviors, beliefs, and habits. Our nervous system is programmed to follow patterns and programming. Archetypes are a form of programming that influences our senses, skills, strategies, and survival. Unfortunately, our archetypal programming can also create confusing and contradictory meanings and messages that inhibit and limit our quality of life.

Over time, our nervous system is conditioned to react and respond to stimuli linked to our archetypes, which filter our emotions, identity, memories, and psychology. When we understand how archetypes influence pain or pleasure we can find more resourceful ways of reprogramming our apps, hard drives, operating systems, and software. Adopting and adjusting our archetypes will influence our actions, choices, and decisions. Once we learn to access a variety of archetypes, we can create more happiness and success in our lives.

When your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual happiness and health are important, learning how to access a variety of archetypes will help you enjoy a happier, healthier, and more harmonious future.

Power of Identity

The power of identity is a powerful concept to understand. Our identity is the programming process by which your body, mind, and spirit learn to associate pain or pleasure with certain actions, behaviors, beliefs, and habits. Identity programming starts early from the actions, interactions, and reactions of the environments, influences, and people around us. Identity programming can cause us to feel happier, healthier, and in harmony, or sad, sick, stressed, and struggling. Once we learn how identity programming works we can use strategies to better direct our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual lifestyle with less pain and more magic moments.

Identity programming can enhance our enjoyment, enthusiasm, and excitement for life by helping us reprogram our operating system with better behaviors, beliefs, and biophysics to manifest happiness and health.

Power of Personal Programming

The power of personal programming refers to our ability to program and reprogram our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual actions, beliefs, and code of conduct. When we learn to master our power and the power of personal programming, we can manifest the life we deserve and desire. All humans are similar to complex computer system apps, hardware, operating systems, and software in that we are programmed throughout life to be, behave, and believe in certain ways. It is up to us to learn to identify, question, reflect, and seek to understand if our programming is moving us closer or further away from the life we deserve and desire. When we can learn from our life lessons and harness the power of personal programming, we can manifest more magic moments.

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Power of Questions

The power of questions refers to our ability to use powerful questions to direct our behaviors, beliefs, and biophysics. In previous blogs, we have shared many examples, ideas, and strategies about using the power of questions to more effectively and efficiently direct our actions, beliefs, choices, and decisions. There is an art and science to accessing the power of personal programming based on the power of questions. When we ask better questions, we program our conscious and unconscious minds to find the answers and options to make our dreams a reality.

Call to Action

Energy Psychology is a collection of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual suggestions to help you create happiness and health. Archetypes, identities, and programming can be useful for guiding our life journey along a rewarding path. When we learn, master, and practice the art and science of archetypes, identity, and programming, we can manifest more magic moments and master our mindset. The call to action is to learn more about these three energy psychology techniques to create a beautiful life.  Investing in the art and science of energy psychology and human psychology will pay big dividends for the rest of your life…or not, depending on your actions, choices, and decisions.

Helpful Hints

Archetypes, identity, and programming are easy to learn and easy to do when you want to raise your standards and quality of life. Allocating regular thinking time to these topics will expand your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Remember…the power of our questions determines the power of our archetypes, identity, and programming… so choose wisely.

Passion for People & Planet

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense hundreds of hours of reading and research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration. We encourage you to learn about archetypes, identity, and personal programming.

“All the most powerful ideas in history go back to archetypes” – Carl Jung

“Using archetypes, identity, and programming will help us experience less pain and more pleasure in life.” — Michael Morningstar

Free orange dahlia image, public domain flower CC0 photo.

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Are Manufactured Materials, Microplastics, or Molds Harming Your Health? Part I

Morningstar NEWS team is focused on selling our Belize Eco Village project and sharing only one blog per month in 2024 to focus on research, resources, and role models to find land for an eco-friendly retreat and wellness center in Puerto Rico and Texas that is accessible to more people. Who do you know that may be interested in joining our team and tribe?

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