Hopefully the many recent blog posts on different methods, styles and types of earth friendly construction was helpful and inspirational in visualizing an earth friendly future dream home. After the purchase of 149 acres of land in the Stann Creek district of Belize in early 2015 it became a passion to research renewable resources and smart sustainable housing to find ideas to align with my core values and vision for our Belize Eco Village. After months of thinking and writing about earth friendly, renewable and sustainable community home ideas it is time to shift my focus back to writing about happy and healthy habits for the holidays and enjoying an honest and humble lifestyle. This is the time of year to recommit and refocus on healthy habits that will help us maintain a healthy body, mind and spirit. Helping people realign with their higher passion and purpose in life in addition to their driving force and guiding light will help us all create more compassionate and conscious communities.
Thinking Time
When is the last time you planned and scheduled priority time to do creative planning, problem solving and productive thinking? Scheduling “Thinking Time” is a great strategy I learned from Keith Cunningham to help deal with the chaotic, frantic and hectic lifestyles causing many to feel over stressed and over whelmed. It combines creative planning, possibility thinking, problem solving and progress principles for better business behaviors as well as happy, healthy and holistic lifestyles. With good ideas, ingenuity and investigation more people can create and design a better business, carefully chosen career or income /investment opportunity to enable them to become financially free.
Thinking Time focuses on setting aside consistent, productive and scheduled time to contemplate, meditate and manifest a better mindset. The current global economy, energy issues and environmental concerns are encouraging more people to reduce their carbon footprint, re-prioritize family and health and rethink their lifestyle. More people are seeking better choices and setting better goals to create better business, career, family and lifestyle options.
Many people would be better served with less TV Time and more Thinking Time. Many people are being brainwashed with Black Friday ads, commercials and messages to buy into the “Story of More Stuff” while sinking deeper in debt with credit cards, mega mortgage and car payments that can create a major drain on our happiness, health, resources and time. Thinking Time allows you to discover there are better options because in the gap between our never ending stimulation, thoughts and words we discover there is more to life than accumulating a bunch of stuff that we cannot take with us when our body and spirit take separate pathways. More people are learning about creating a higher quality of life on earth right now. My wish is to help educate, inspire and motivate people to reduce their carbon, chemical and water footprint while also enjoying a more peaceful and sustainable lifestyle.
People are discovering the many benefits of Meditation, Mindfulness and Thinking Time to find more happiness and peace. When we invest our energy, information and time to educate our selves and make better choices we find amazing ideas and options available to us. Years of research and travel for better earth friendly communities and construction has helped me gain great ideas, insights and inspiration for developing our Belize Eco Village and embracing more of the Iroquois Nation Seventh Generation philosophy in my choices and decisions.
Transition to Thinking Time
As more people investigate, research and study about living a more renewable and sustainable lifestyle it becomes more obvious we are the main cause for the over whelm, strain and stress that shows up in life. Thinking Time is great way to discover better resources, role models and words of wisdom to make even wiser choices in the future. The benefits of Thinking Time quickly becomes self evident and can positively impact and influence our finances, health and lifestyle. The benefits of sustainable solutions and Thinking Time will help accelerate a paradigm shift to protect the people and planet from destruction, disease and distress as we stop the degradation resulting from the growing global greed.
The best way to become educated and excited about Thinking Time is to learn more from Keith Cunningham who offers a wealth of information for people looking to master their business, career and lifestyle. Asking better questions is a great way to prime the pump for more productive thinking time. Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill is another great resource that inspires us to embrace more meditation, mindfulness and thinking time.
Our blog shares simple smart strategies and suggestions to help people embrace ideas like Meditation, Mindfulness and Thinking Time to help improve the quality of life for people and the planet. As we discover the real long term cost created by our self sabotaging strain, stress and struggles we begin to realize the urgency to embrace more Thinking Time to discover the wealth of wisdom available to make life better for all people and the planet simultaneously.
Healthy Habits & Habitats
In 2017 Morningstar NEWS has focus 50% on Healthy Habits and 50% on Healthy Habitats and Sustainable Systems. As we research and role model proven principles for a better future we are eager to share the wisdom we find. Our vision is attracting a wide variety of conscious and passionate people to help design, develop, build and live in our eco friendly and sustainable community and transition towns. We invite ideas, insights and inspiration to help us focus our planning and progress. Sharing solutions, strategies, suggestions and systems will help all of us design and develop a better Belize eco village.
Where is Your Gap?
What actions, behaviors, beliefs and decisions regarding your habits and habitats are impacting your happiness and health? What will it take to make better choices to avoid the health hazards and adopt healthy habits? Investing in regularly scheduled Thinking Time could provide a wealth of information and insights that yields great long term value. A small investment of energy, money and time consistently focused on being happy, healthy and holistic will help you discover a more sustainable ecological, economical and environmental lifestyle
Mastery Action Plan (MAP)
Our daily habits and habitats impact our happiness and health. There is a wealth of wisdom showing the benefits of meditation, mindfulness and Thinking Time a happy and healthy life. What are you willing to do to embrace better choices? Creating a healthy habitat code of conduct and mastery action plan will enhance the quality of life now and in the future. We cannot sustain our happiness and health without healthy challenges, changes and choices. Are you ready to de-clutter, detox and down size to a more modern, modest and modular lifestyle based on a model that focuses on being renewable and sustainable ?
Call to Action
What comments, commitments or concerns come to mind regarding healthy habits and habitats? Are you ready to learn more and join our terrific team?
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Next Morningstar NEWS blog
How to Have Happy & Healthy Holidays II
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