The previous Great NEWS post was Happy Healthy Travel Tales and Tips Part 5 Australia and today we follow up with Part 6 South Africa. Observing many distinct trends and transitions around the US and world now is a great time to write about the ongoing big challenges and offer better choices. Read this powerful post carefully with eager ears, eagle eyes and earnest enthusiasm because it contains many hidden hints, imbedded insights and subtle suggestions for helping you be even more happy, healthy and in harmony for life. Happy Healthy Travel Tales & Tips Part 6 South Africa will summarize the many traps, trends, tricks and troubles observed on my trip and then share some simple solutions, strategies and suggestions.

My recent trip to Johannesburg and Cape Town South Africa was quite an adventure and eye opener. My last trip to Africa was Uganda in 2004 and there was quite a different environment in South Africa.

South Africa's Cape Town

Cape Town, South Africa

My travels, trials and tribulations have opened my eyes to the sad state of the union in the US and most developed countries. People are struggling with their finances, happiness, health, lifestyle and well being. The majority appear totally confused about what not to do and what to do to be happy, healthy and holistic. Many are seeking coaching, education, guidance and information on exercise, fitness, health, lifestyle, nutrition, prevention, remedies and wellness to help. Education, empowerment and excitement are essential to success so top tier teaching and technology via articles, blogs, Google hangouts, seminars, videos and webinars are vital to help the most people in the least amount of time.

Coaching sessions, seminars and study groups are the most effective and efficient way to help more people deal with their health challenges now and implement prevention strategies for the future. Great NEWS Perfect Health is dedicated to help people enjoy being even more happy, health and harmony.

This mini series is part of my passion and vision to address the pains people are facing in order to educate, empower and excite them about the pleasures and possibilities for perfect health without OTC and prescription medicines. It requires an investment of money and time to learn about the health challenges, holistic health and natural nutrition strategies and it is so worth it when you develop great resilience.

Special About South Africa

It is more polite to discuss what is great about a country first before discussing the many areas that can be improved. One of the most exciting discoveries occurred while staying at a hostel in Cape Town and having a cup of afternoon tea. It turns out that Rooibos is an native herbal tea loaded with super amazing antioxidants and other health properties. Numerous articles have been written about this hardy plant that is only native to the extremely harsh climate of western South Africa.  This is one of the reasons that wild foods from harsh climates provide such healthy benefits.

Rooibos Tea

Rooibos is an native herbal tea loaded with super amazing antioxidants and other health properties.

It was also interesting to learn that the beautiful botanical gardens started out as both a means to produce food for new immigrants and surplus for the sailing ships. While they may now be focused more on flowers and ornamental plants the important life lesson learned is the importance of using gardens and greenbelts for growing healthy foods.

South Africa is a special country with incredible agriculture, beauty, land, people, resources, talents and wildlife. South Africa is blessed with a great culture, history and international diversity. It is a diverse melting pot that represents all corners of the world. The variety of beverages, cultures, foods, smells and tastes is absolutely amazing. In most parts of South Africa you can find a smorgasbord of African, American (Standard American Diet – SAD), Asian, British, Chinese, German, Japanese, Indian, Italian, Mediterranean, Mexican, Middle Eastern, Scandinavian, South American, Spanish, Thai, Turkish and many more foods.

Most of South Africa is too barren and only limited areas have adequate irrigation, rainfall, soil and topography to yield typical food crops. Many foods are grown year round in some parts of South Africa. Due to South Africa’s climate and great location it has the right conditions to either grow or import foods for incredible selection.

South Africa is successful at growing great fruits, grains, greens, herbs, legumes, nuts, seeds, tubers and vegetables. The country also produces a lot of grass fed natural and organic animal products and wild caught fish and sea foods.

Animal products: beef, chicken, goat, lamb and pork. Also cheese, dairy and eggs play a major role. Antelope, cape buffalo, gazelle, kudu, ostrich and springbok are also readily available.

Fish and Sea foods: clams, crabs, fish (anchovies, angelfish, geelbek, hake, herring, kob, mackerel, sardines, salmon, snapper, yellowtail tuna), krill, shrimp, squid and other sea foods. Review the South African Sustainable Seafood Initiative (SASSI) guidelines for sustainable sea foods.

Fruits: apples, apricots, avocados, bananas, cherries, coconut, dates, figs, grapes, grapefruit, lemons, limes, mango, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, pineapple, plums, prickly pear, tangerines,

Grains: barley, corn, maize, millet, rice, sorghum, wheat

Greens: arugula, bok choy, cabbage, celery, celery root, chard, collards, dandelion, fennel, kale, lettuce, (endive, escarole, green leaf, iceberg, radicchio, red leaf, romaine), mustard, napa cabbage, spinach, watercress,

Herbs: basil, bay leaf, cilantro, garlic, mint, oregano, parsley, peppermint, rosemary, sage, spearmint, tarragon, thyme,

Legumes, beans, peas and lentils (pulses): beans (black, broad, fava, kidney, red, white), black eye peas, chickpeas, green beans, lentils, green peas, peanuts, soy beans

Melons: canary, cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon

Roots and Tubers: beets, burdock root, carrots, cassava, garlic, onions, parsnips, potatoes, radish, sweet potatoes, turnips, yams, yucca,

Seeds: flax (linseed), pumpkin, sesame, sunflower

Paprika Spice


Spices: black pepper, cayenne, chilies, cinnamon, cloves, cumin, curry, garlic, paprika, pepper, red pepper, sea salt, turmeric are all available and widely used

Vegetables: asparagus, bell peppers (capsicum), cabbage, cactus, cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, okra, onions, peppers, pumpkins, squash, string beans, tomatoes,

Wild foods: algae, aloe vera, cactus, dandelion, kelp, mushrooms, mustard greens, sea weed, yucca,

Most foods there can be prepared in a healthy fashion or harmful one based on many variables such as: additives, cooking method, culturing, flavor enhancers, freshness, herbicides, ingredients, MSG, oils used, organic, pesticides, preparation, preservatives, shelf life, soaking, sprouting, storage, sugar added, table salt and time factors.

In South Africa there are some food crops that include Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) or Genetically Engineered (GE) such as GE maize and soya. GMO crops may be one of the most dangerous fake foods on the planet and several groups are promoting avoidance and labeling. It is hard to determine which factor is worse for you…their altered genetic material or the use of toxic herbicides. Herbicides like Roundup used on crops contain glycophosphates which appear to be one of the most dangerous and toxic chemicals to humans and all organisms.

Excess consumption of fried foods is another problem. Many are cooked in harmful processed and refined corn, cottonseed, peanut, soy or vegetable oils. These chemically treated and highly heated oils are a rapid recipe for being sad, sick, stressed and suffering. Fried foods and cheap oils are taking a toll on the population among all age groups and especially younger ones. It is sad to see people hooked on fake foods and fast foods which are inhibiting them being happy and healthy while also robbing them of their wealth.

Sugar cane is grown here and excess refined sugar consumption and sweet treats are problematic in South Africa like most of the world.

Sugar Cane

Sugar cane is grown here and excess refined sugar consumption and sweet treats are problematic in South Africa like most of the world.

Due to the agriculture industry and nearby imports the variety in South Africa is excellent. Food prices and selection are good compared to most developed countries. Prices are higher in the upscale super markets It is easy to find a good selection of fresh, healthy and nutrient dense organic whole foods in South Africa at local family and farmers markets. Basic healthy essentials are found at much better prices than the highly processed foods.

Beware it is just as easy to find a lot of fake, fast and junk foods in the markets and streets as well. South Africa has been invaded by the SAD – Standard American Diet fast food fad and is following the US experience with disease, health and weight issues. Fake, fast and junk foods are less nutritious and more expensive yet seem to be everywhere. It is shocking to see chips, cookies, fries and sodas being consumed by people earning low wages.

South Africa is moving forward with land reform to foster more and smaller farms while developing a more equitable and sustainable food system. Many locals plant a small garden in their community garden, open space or yard. Adults and children receive many benefits from reconnecting to the earth and soil growing their own food like fruits, greens, herbs and vegetables. Gardening is great for your health in many ways besides the nutrient dense organic whole foods grown. Planting food bearing trees in your neighborhood is a great way to enhance your ecosystem and environment while providing healthy food and trees for the community.

SAD, Sick and Stressed in South Africa

The Standard American Diet (SAD) has become entrenched in South Africa and a detriment to the people. In every city and town it seems the big Standard American Diet (SAD) businesses are selling burgers, cereals, chips, coffee, cookies, fries, pasta, pizza and sodas are dominant forces impacting millions of lives. These fast foods are harming many people and future generations in South Africa. It is unfortunate to see a few dozen food chains dominate most people’s food consumption.

Highly processed and refined foods such as: biscuit, bread, cakes, candy, cereal, chicken bits, crackers, cookies, croissants, donuts, energy drinks, French fries, juices, ketchup, macaroni and cheese, margarine, pancakes, pasta, pies, pizza, processed oils, salad dressing, sandwiches, sodas and spaghetti have replaced many of the traditional family style foods in South Africa. The country and people will end up spending more for healthcare to hospitals, medical care and prescriptions.

Food in Cans

Many people are consuming too much cooked and processed foods and not enough fresh raw foods like fruits, greens, herbs, nuts, roots, salads, seeds and vegetables.

Many families have at least one member dealing with health problems relating to: arthritis, blood pressure, blood sugar, diabetes, digestion, immune function and weight while losing their energy, health and vitality. Many are facing OTC and prescription medications as a result. Many food manufacturers and providers use artificial sweeteners, cheap ingredients, cheap labor, chemical contaminated ingredients, excess refined sugar, GMO ingredients, MSG, micro waved foods, processed refined oils, table salt, unsanitary and unhealthy practices.

Many people are consuming too much cooked and processed foods and not enough fresh raw foods like fruits, greens, herbs, nuts, roots, salads, seeds and vegetables. While many people in South Africa are active and fit and more are looking for ways to do so too many are following the foreign influence with harmful consequences. You receive a very high Return On Investment (ROI) when you consistently set a standard to eat, educate, energize and exercise for optimal health. Many people in South Africa are struggling financially and experiencing declining health due to poor food and lifestyle choices. This is also a serious threat to the South African economy and standard of living. This unhealthy trend is leading to dramatic and drastic consequences.

When we focus our attention on healthy agriculture, air, disease prevention, ecosystem, education, environment, exercise, food, lifestyle, nutrition, prenatal care and water it will encourage people to make healthier choices. Commitments to education and empowerment can resolve the problems caused by the sad, sick, stressed and stupid society being promoted by profit before people companies. When South Africa stops subsidizing sad, sick and stressful stuff (fake, fast and junk foods) and starts to support and subsidize being a happy, healthy and holistic human they will create rapid progress and results.

Giraffe Herd

South Africa is a good country to visit.

South Africa is facing the same challenges as the rest of the developed world. Alcohol, crime, drugs, poverty, tobacco and violence reduces people’s competitive performance, position and productivity. Smoking is a major issue with people of all ages and many young people are starting. As a result of unhealthy eating habits, excess caffeine and sugar consumption and lifestyle choices the majority of people in South Africa are dehydrated and over acidic. This negatively impacts every area for a quality life for anyone who desires to be happy, healthy and in harmony.

South Africa is a good country to visit and strategic regional leader with abundant potential and resources. Unfortunately like many other countries it has many people struggling with debt, in poverty, living paycheck to paycheck, malnourished, sick, under employed, uneducated and unemployed. This is quite a contrast to the wealth owned by the top 5 percent affluent minority. South Africa has a bright future and is well positioned to benefit from their rich resources base and strategic location at the southern tip of Africa.

This Great NEWS post is the Happy Healthy Travel Tales & Tips Part 6 South Africa. There are always simple steps and smart solutions to help anyone committed to fresh foods, holistic health and terrific travel. This post on Happy Healthy Travel Tales and Tips Part 6 South Africa is offered to help you discover the big challenges and decide on better choices.

What is your current Gap?

How educated, empowered and excited do you feel for being happy, healthy and in harmony long term? What shifts have occurred where you live that are helping or hurting your health?

Mastery Action Plan (MAP)

What action plans will help you be even more happy and healthy at home, at work or while traveling? What helpful books, resources or websites have you discovered?

Call to Action

What comments, commitments or concerns do you have for being happy and healthy at home or while traveling?

Next week the Great NEWS blog will share:

Happy Healthy Travel Tales and Tips Part 7 Fiji