March 22nd is World Water Day so it is appropriate to discuss how heavy metals are contaminating our global waters. Have you heard the warnings that heavy metals are horrible health hazards causing many health problems? Are you doing a periodic cleanse and detox to rid your body of heavy metals on a regular basis? Unfortunately it seems many people are not fully aware of the serious health risks associated with heavy metals. A previous blog post addressed inflammation as one the root causes of chronic health issues and heavy metals are another major contributor. Many people are constantly being exposed to heavy metals and being robbed of their quality of life while spending a fortune for medical costs to diagnose and treat chronic health issues which get more debilitating over time.


If our environment, health and longevity are top priorities we must collectively be rethinking and reviewing all aspects of our lifestyle for well being.

There are many different hazardous heavy metals to be concerned about including: aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, cesium, copper, iron, lead, mercury, nickel, plutonium, polonium 210, strontium, thallium, tin and titanium. These have been identified as some of the main causes of cancer, endocrine disruption, inflammation, skin issues and toxicity causing people to suffer and struggle with health issues. Many experts say even small dosages of some of these heavy metals is too much for most people, especially children and those with compromised digestive, hormonal and immune systems. There are many heavy metals in our air, environment, food, home, products and water which are major contributing factors to chronic disease and heavy metal poisoning. The goal of this blog post is to educate people to the common sources and provide several simple suggestions to help people avoid and then cleanse and detox.

If our environment, health and longevity are top priorities we must collectively be rethinking and reviewing all aspects of our lifestyle for well being. Current research and thought leaders in heavy metal toxicity offer simple steps and strategies to stop the exposure and start detoxing for better health.

Health Hazards of Heavy Metals

Bottle of Poison

All indications seem to be pointing to heavy metals as one of the most important factors contributing to chronic disease and global health problems.

All indications seem to be pointing to heavy metals as one of the most important factors contributing to chronic disease and global health problems. Avoiding excessive exposure to heavy metals can go a long way toward helping many people be healthier and live longer. My goal is to offer easy and low cost simple suggestions that will help avoid the health hazards linked to heavy metals in order to reclaim our health. When you research the health problems caused by heavy metal exposure like amalgam filings it is amazing how much deception and misinformation there is regarding the hidden dangers. Because our body and brain is constantly being exposed to heavy metals it is causing and contributing to billions of dollars of chronic disease and heavy metal poisoning.

Stop Heavy Metals to Start Health Mastery

Glass of Tea

Eat fresh, locally grown, nutrient dense organic plant based whole foods to avoid heavy metal toxins, and consider a detox to refresh your body.

There is a wealth of information available today to help stop heavy metal exposure and detox our body. While it can take a lot of time to read, research and review various resources this blog will share some simple steps to stop heavy metal exposure. Then it is important to begin to cleanse and detox your body to eliminate these health hazards. Remember … heavy metals even in small amounts can be a poison.

  • Avoid using aluminum baking and cookware. Avoid cooking on aluminum foil.
  • Avoid using body care products made with heavy metals like aluminum and lead. Use only natural ingredients.
  • Avoid using products with heavy metals in your home and work environment. Maintain a healthy habitat.
  • Avoid big fish like blue fin tuna, shark and swordfish which contain more mercury.
  • Avoid highly processed and refined foods which often contain heavy metals from the processing.
  • Avoid amalgam filings made with heavy metals  and mercury and have any removed by a holistic dentist.
  • Avoid all vaccines which contain aluminum or mercury in them.
  • Avoid beverages and foods that contain GMO, herbicides and insecticides which often contain heavy metals.
  • Read the labels of all products for your home and work. Avoid products with arsenic, lead, mercury.
  • Replace all aluminum, stainless steel and Teflon cookware with ceramic coated cookware or glass.
  • Recycle all batteries and electronic devices containing heavy metals to keep them out of dumps which contaminate our groundwater.
  • Read about detoxing with activated charcoal, calcium bentonite clay and zeolite. Many people use them externally and internally.
  • Learn about eating fresh healthy locally grown nutrient dense organic plant based whole foods to avoid heavy metal toxins.
  • The Heavy Metals Summit is a great resource with many more suggestions and tips to help you demystify and detox heavy metals.

Healthy Habits & Habitats

In 2018 Morningstar NEWS will focus 50% on Healthy Habits and 50% on Healthy Habitats. Researching and role modeling proven principles for a fantastic future drives us to share these words with wisdom. Our vision is attracting a wide variety of eco conscious people to help design, build and live in a more healthy and sustainable way. We invite ideas, insights and inspiration to help us focus our planning and progress. Sharing solutions, strategies, suggestions and systems will help us all design and develop better eco communities.

Where is Your Gap?

What actions, behaviors, beliefs and decisions regarding your habits and habitats are impacting your happiness and health? What is your  motivation for making better choices to avoid health hazards and adopt healthy habits? Investing in our health helps protect our wealth. When we are happy, healthy and holistic we naturally shift to a more sustainable ecological, economical and environmental friendly lifestyle.

Mastery Action Plan (MAP)

Our daily habits and habitats directly impact our happiness and health. There are many products made with heavy metals that can be avoided for a happy and healthy life. What are you willing to do differently starting today to embrace better choices in 2018? Creating a healthy habits code of conduct and mastery action plan will enhance our quality of life. Our happiness and health benefit from healthy challenges, changes and choices.

Call to Action

What comments, commitments or concerns come to mind regarding healthy habits and habitats?

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Next Morningstar NEWS blog

How to be Healthy Wealthy and Wise