
As a long term environmentalist and eager eco developer, designing an eco friendly and green development based on renewable resources and sustainability standards has become a big part of my passion purpose. Photo by Michael Morningstar.

Have you heard about the benefits of applying the permaculture principles for stewardship and sustainability? How well do you understand the benefits permauclture principles offers US for providing greater levels of locally grown nutrient dense organic whole foods? The significant damage, deforestation and destruction that occurs with big agriculture commercial farming of mono crops is a serious situation and cause for great concern. Most mono-crop farming is causing significant damage to our ecosystems and topsoil erosion. As a follow up to Earth Day it seems appropriate to write about International Permaculture Day to help educate more people regarding common farming practices and environmental damage. As a long term environmentalist and eager eco developer, designing an eco friendly and green development based on renewable resources and sustainability standards has become a big part of my passion purpose. My current passion project is to investigate, research and understand various building designs, materials and methods to determine those that will best serve our Belize Eco Village projects. We are committed to creating an aesthetically appealing, eco friendly, financially strong and sensibly sustainable Belize Eco Village and wildlife sanctuary on our 149+ acres of land and Permaculture Principles will play a vital role in our success.

International Permaculture Day May 3

We are losing global rainforests at an alarming rate and it is one of the most catastrophic, complex and concerning crisis of our modern world. Trees are being cut down at an alarming rate to grow more food for animals and humans. Unfortunately most of the crops planted are using destructive farming methods to plant mostly Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) mono crops. These big agriculture farming methods are not as effective, efficient and eco friendly as more progressive permaculture principles that will help save many regions of the world from destroying rainforests, losing topsoil and wasting fossil fuels.

Part of my research for the Belize Eco Village is directed to finding ideas, insights and inspiration to promote food independence while reversing damage and destruction of our environment. Any resource and role model with helpful ideas and incentives to improve our community deserves attention. The goal is to find ways to design, build and live using more efficient ecologically sound  strategies and systems. Christopher Nesbitt founder of the Maya Mountain Research Farm is a Permaculutre Design Course (PDC) teacher passionately sharing the Permaculture Principles. He is a great role model and offers different approaches for agroforestry, food production, healthy lifestyle, off grid living and permaculture principles for sustainability. He offers real world knowledge to protect our ecosystems and environment.

Christopher Nesbitt

Christopher Nesbitt founder of the Maya Mountain Research Farm is a Permaculutre Design Course (PDC) teacher passionately sharing the Permaculture Principles.

I am impressed and inspired by his depth of experience around permaculture principles. He has great values and visions regarding what it requires for people create a successful sustainable community. Christopher has taught many students from many countries to understand the permaculutre principles are even more safe and sustainable for feeding families. He is currently putting his energy, money and time into creating, designing and teaching the permaculutre principles to locals and students on his farm in southern Belize. Christopher understands the need to protect the environment and offers guidance for habitat preservation and regeneration. Attending his PDC and learning the materials and methods will benefit all of us with updated and upgraded ideas to create higher standards for regenerative and sustainable food production systems. I am grateful Christopher has agreed to be on our advisory board.

His knowledge of compost toilets, green building methods, passive design features, passive solar water heaters, rain catch and solar panels represents a quantum leap forward for simple efficiency and sustainability. Properly designed homes will be comfortable and cool. Utilizing a reasonable amount of land for community gardens, green space and permaculutre principles will help create a Garden of Eden. By updating and upgrading building materials, methods and mindset we can all be even more eco friendly and sustainable for the future.

Smart Sustainable Systems

As more eco friendly and passionate people put their heads and hearts together it becomes self evident that one of the most environmentally friendly and financially feasible long term solutions to feed families is to practice the permaculture principles.  Expanding the awareness of permaculutre will help more people make better choices when it comes to building better businesses and homes. Geoff Lawton is another permacullture expert and really impressed me with his Greening the Desert series.  H was one of the first ones to educate me on the benefits of permaculture principles for building better homes and gardens.  Permaculture farms are extremely energy efficient and eco friendly because they are committed to the principles of locally sourced, long lasting and low cost lifestyles. You can learn more about permaculture principles from Geoff Lawton and at Permaculutre News.

Permaculture Principles Code of Conduct

Building Instrument

Photo by Michael Morningstar.

The ideas, intentions and inspiration of permaculture principles will help with our guidelines and home owners manual for safety, self sufficiency and sustainability. We will avoid spraying synthetic chemical compounds like fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and pesticides on our property. These synthetic chemical compounds are toxic to people, plants and planet. It is obvious the long and short tern consequences are too risky to animals, babies, bats, bees, birds, butterflies and beautiful people living in our community to allow the use of toxic products. We will maintain very high standards for living in a chemical and toxin free environment to protect the air, food, homes, soil and water. Our Declaration of Protective and Restrictive Covenants and Design Standards will adopt best practices of the permaculture principles.

Healthy Habits & Habitats

In 2017 Morningstar NEWS will continue our focus 50% on Healthy Habits and 50% on Healthy Habitats and Sustainability Strategies. We are designing our new Belize Eco Village master planned community by researching and role modeling people like Christopher Nesbitt and Geoff Lawton. Our vision is to attract a wide variety of eco-conscious and passionate people to help design, build and live in an eco friendly, healthy and sustainable community. Imagine permaculutre principles guiding our piece of paradise for people to live, retire, visit and work while enjoying an even more happy, healing and healthy lifestyle. We will focus on those ideas, insights and inspiration as we provide more progress pictures and vivid videos about sustainability systems. Stay tuned for progress posts with steps, strategies, suggestions and systems to develop the 149 acres of pristine Caribbean pine ridge and riparian forest into a Belize Eco Village master planned eco community.

Where is Your Gap?

What behaviors, beliefs and decisions regarding your habits and habitats are harming your happiness, health and home we call earth? What will it take for you to protect your family and self from damage, degradation and destruction? What permaculture principles would help you stop being part of the problem and start being part of the solution instead?

Mastery Action Plan (MAP)

It is well documented that our daily habits and habitats greatly impact our happiness and health. There is a wealth of wisdom regarding a wide variety of healthy habits to start and health hazards to stop. What are you willing to do differently to protect your self and Mother Nature with better choices? Creating a healthy habits and habitat code of conduct and mastery action plan will enhance our quality of life for all. Are you ready to embrace some permaculture principles for positive progress?  Have you seen the documentary Greening The Desert yet? According to the documentary by John D. Liu we can reverse the damage and degradation caused by deforestation and destruction of habitat caused by animals overgrazing and humans.   The earth cannot sustain continued destruction by more agriculture and animal factory farms. Remember Earth Day Every Day.

Call to Action

What comments, commitments or concerns come to mind regarding healthy habits and habitats to save rainforests? Are you ready to learn more and join our terrific team?

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Next Morningstar NEWS Blog

What is Organic Regenerative Agriculture?