The 2015 Great NEWS posts share Healthy Habits to enhance the quality and quantity of our life. Today’s post is a book overview of Money – Master the Game by Tony Robbins offered to educate, empower and excite you with the benefits of applying powerful proven principles. One of the most common problems couples and individuals face revolves around finances and money. Did you know that not planning, preparing and preserving your finances may be the single largest threat to your retirement comfort and security? Billions of dollars are lost, spent and wasted each year on expenses, fees and stuff that drains our finances and wrecks our retirement dreams. This post will share valuable information on why Money – Master the Game by Tony Robbins may be the most relevant information on financial freedom, retirement planning and wealth accumulation available.
How well do you understand and utilize annuities, bonds, brokers, cash, compounding, CDs, dividends, ETF, fiduciaries, financial planning, 401K, insurance, investing, IRA, money markets, mutual funds, pension, real estate, registered investment advisors, retirement planning, Roth IRA, savings, social security, tax advantages, variable annuities and wills to manage your money? Most people spend more time on their hobby or sport than they do managing their finances.
No matter how little or how much you think you know about finances and money everyone will benefit and learn something new by reading this book. Whether you are a beginning investor or experienced professional this book has information that would take you decades to discover on your own and could save you decades of trial and error.
Financial Failure or Financial Freedom
How valuable would it be to have access to the coaching, insights and wisdom of bank senior executives, billionaires, fiduciaries, hedge fund managers, investing icons, millionaires, mutual fund managers, portfolio managers and wealthy tycoons? No one has ever done the in depth analysis and research of the top financial resources and role models that Tony Robbins and his team have completed. This is truly a unique look behind the curtain of the financial industry and the management of money and wealth.
It is not a question of if you should read this book, because everyone needs this information to check and double check their financial health and well being. The real question is when will you invest the time to take total charge of your finances in order to create a plan for financial freedom and retirement resilience.
This book covers the basic principles of asset allocation, compounding, diversifying, fees, investing, money management, retirement planning, savings and wealth accumulation. Wether you are just beginning to save or have been saving for decades this book has valuable coaching, insights and wisdom to help you be more effective and efficient with your financial planning and wealth accumulation.
The bottom line is only you can be the captain of your financial freedom, retirement results and savings strategies. It is up to you to learn enough to make wise choices and decisions on where and with whom you invest your hard earned money. You must chart your financial plan, determine the best course and develop a mastery action plan to insure your retirement and resiliency plan will meet you and your family needs long term.
Friendly or Frightening Fees
Are there big or small holes in your investment plan? Do you know what administrative fees, asset fees, back end loads, charges, commissions, costs, expenses, fees, 401K fees, hidden fees, insurance charges, IRA fees, loads, management fees, operating costs, retirement plan costs, trading costs and transaction fees are draining your financial health? These are essential things to be aware of and who is going to help you navigate the turbulent waters?
Many people who leave their finances and financial future in the hands of others wake up one day to discover they are in deep trouble and maybe even financially underwater and struggling to stay afloat. In this day of economic change and chaos we must be sure to insure our peace of mind and financial security. No one can afford to depend on their employer or the government to handle their financial plan and retirement. It is better to read the book now, discover the holes in your boat and make the necessary changes rather than experience the fear, stress and struggles of a sinking ship during your retirement. A serious but small mistake today will compound over time into a big drain and drag on your financial freedom plans.
This book provides you with the resources and role models you need to prevent your finances from falling apart and protect your hard earned money and retirement savings. Remember you are the only one that can make the choices and decisions today for your future financial freedom. This book will help you make better choices and smarter decisions. Remember readers are leaders.
Healthy Habits
The Healthy Habits 2015 series offers simple suggestions to help maintain and manage all areas of our health and lifestyle. Being financially free and wealthy wise are key to our long term happiness and health. Establishing a well thought out financial freedom mastery action plan will help protect your most important assets… you and your worldly accumulations. Financial planning is one of the most important steps we can take to insure our financial freedom and financial independence. Our actions or inactions will determine our long term emotional, financial, mental and physical health and well being. Choose wisely.
This Great NEWS post on Healthy Habits shared a simple step to help insure your financial freedom…read Money: Master the Game by Tony Robbins.
What is your current Gap?
What administrative fees, asset fees, back end loads, charges, commissions, costs, expenses, fees, 401K fees, hidden fees, insurance charges, IRA fees, loads, management fees, operation costs, retirement plan costs, trading costs and transaction fees are draining your financial health? What if you could learn how to eliminate those extra fees now and have your money working smarter for your financial freedom instead?
Mastery Action Plan (MAP)
What would be the value of empowering education and mastery action plans to help you enjoy total financial freedom? Would the small step of reading one chapter a week be doable to help you reach absolute financial freedom? Are you ready for the research, resources and role models to be delivered to you in this comprehensive book?
Call to Action
What comments, commitments or concerns come to mind regarding financial planning, money management and retirement planning? What other ideas and inspiration will help motivate us towards better behaviors, beliefs and biology for a better 2015 and beyond?
Next week the Great NEWS blog will share:
The Benefits of Bicarbonate of Soda
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