The 2015 Great NEWS posts share Healthy Habits to enhance our life. Today’s post is on the many benefits of Organic Gardening for Body, Mind and Spirit. While that is a tall topic to talk and teach, many people around the world feel and know this is true. When we plant seeds and then nurture a garden with TLC for watering, weeding and working, amazing things happen to our gardens and also to us. Organic gardening is definitely a hobby that opens our eyes to the real world around us. It often helps people get grounded and reconnected with planet earth which is the source of all life. My goal is to entice and excite you about the possibility that organic gardening is one of the best therapies and transformation techniques in our complicated modern world. This is a natural follow up to the previous post on making herbal teas, tinctures and tonics. This post will offer some helpful hints on why Organic Gardening for Body, Mind and Spirit may be what a holistic doctor prescribes to improve all aspects of our health and life.
It is common to hear people talk about all the problems in their life and the world around them. The top problems seem to revolve around career, disease, education, environment, food, health, marriage, money, relationships, spiritual connection, war., water and weather. All these issues are congruent, connected and consistent with the simple idea that organic gardening is great for our body, mind and spirit. DIY #gardening may be one of the best hobbies to help us improve all areas of our life simultaneously. Imagine for a moment all the amazing emotional, mental, physical and spiritual benefits that are related to the simple act of gardening and growing your own food.
When is the last time you considered the beauty, connection, de-stressing, educational, emotional, financial, fitness, greenspace, health, inspirational, meditation, medicinal, nutritional, occupational, peace, recreational, satisfaction, therapeutic, value and wisdom to be gained from having an organic victory garden? If you would benefit from just a few of these categories how much would it be worth for you to read further and learn how easy it is to start a healthy organic victory garden of your own?
Most people in the US are out of touch with what it takes to grow, prepare and process healthy and holistic whole foods. They do not understand the connection between healthy food and healthy soil. They lack the understanding that the majority of our foods are now being grown on massive monocular factory farms that depend on massive amounts of polluting fertilizers, fossil fuels, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and pesticides that are harmful to people, plants and the planet.
Indigenous and native peoples have coexisted in harmony with nature for thousands of years and learned to harvest the nutrition they needed from bark, flowers, fruits, herbs, leaves, mushrooms, roots, seeds, spices, stalks, stems and wood. They learned to grow certain plants around their dwellings and then depended on fields and foraging in the woods for the additional foods they needed. Over time people learned how to collect seeds and cultivate better hybrids for great variety and yield. Unfortunately biotechnology and science went crazy with Genetic Engineering (GE), Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and Patenting of seeds which have caused massive environmental damage and health hazards for humans.
To regain our happiness, health and holistic sanity we must reconnect with the earth and plants that are the source of our life and gardening is a great way. Unfortunately most people are not educated and experienced enough to even grow the basics let alone the full spectrum of foods needed to feed their family. Therefore it is imperative we learn how to grow our own food and some basic principles regarding the circle of life on planet earth. This post is dedicated to helping people begin to build a strong foundation in organic gardening and permaculture in order to grow various plants to provide peace of mind, healthy body and spiritual awareness of the delicate balance of life in nature.
Rather than reinventing the wheel and investing hours writing about organic gardening it seemed more logical to share a great video and written resource that will allow me time to travel to my property in #Belize and put organic gardening and permaculture principles into action. My current project is to study the food, land, plants, soil and weather of Belize in order to develop my land into an organic food forest, permaculture center and wellness retreat. This will help me to help you and others seeking to find the happiness, health and harmony that comes from living as a good steward and student of the land. Rather than just talking and writing about developing a health body, mind and spirit it is time to walk the talk even further and create a Garden of Eden, Peace of Paradise and World of Wellness by traveling and planting on my land in Belize from August 10th through 17th.
Last trip we planted bananas, prickly pear cactus, cashew, mangoes, moringa and pineapples. This trip will be to see how they are doing and to plant even more food and trees. It is also time to arrange for electricity to the property and meet with the contractor and solar power specialist to finalize blue prints and get ready to start building the first of many houses.
For a great article and video with excellent information on the benefits and strategies for growing your own organic food go to the Organic Gardening article by Dr Mercola who is a true pioneer in health, nutrition and well being.
Healthy Habits
The Healthy Habits 2015 series shares simple suggestions to help maintain our health and well being. Many feel that Organic Gardening for Body Mind and Spirit will help maintain optimal long term health. Enjoying and growing fresh nutrient dense organic whole foods on a regular basis is a simple way to create a shift in our overall health and well being. While certainly not easy this health mastery action plan can help you and your family protect their long term health and vitality. Consuming, growing and nurturing organic flowers and foods is an excellent way to support our emotional, financial, mental, physical and spiritual health long term.
This Great NEWS post on Healthy Habits shared a simple step to discover the healthy benefits or harmful consequences that result from the foods we eat. Consuming nutrient dense organic whole food on a regular basis is easy to begin once you have the information, motivation and inspiration to just do it.
What is your current Gap?
Are you consuming harmful foods treated with fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and pesticides that are harming your health instead of healthy organic whole foods that help your health? What if you could help alkalize and energize your body with nutrient dense organic whole foods you grew in your victory garden?
Mastery Action Plan (MAP)
What would it feel like to create an organic garden as a healthy hobby for you and your family? Imagine the benefits and joy as you reconnect to this ancient tradition and mother earth. With a little research you could determine the best plants for your region to grow food for three seasons and develop a mastery action plan to grow food. The Dr. Mercola article and video provides enough information and inspiration to start you on the path to better protecting your health and well being. Knowing that “when the student is ready the teacher will appear” as you begin this journey the research, resources and role models will appear to help guide you on the path to organic gardening for better health.
Call to Action
What comments, commitments or concerns come to mind regarding the benefits of organic gardening for a better body mind and spirit? What other ideas and inspiration will help motivate us towards better behaviors, beliefs and biology for a better 2015 and beyond?
Next week the Great NEWS blog will share:
Healthy Beverages for Hot Bodies
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