Q: What is a “peak performance state?” How do you develop this “state” consistently and on demand?
A: A peak performance state is where your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual self are aligned for the specific situation. This means your external and internal being is aligned, committed and congruent for performing any task at hand.
Dehydration, low energy, mental confusion, negative thinking, poor posture or saying negative things is what keeps most people out of a peak state.
There are many ways to condition, develop and train for being in a peak state consistently and on demand. Practicing an activity or sport over and over until your body and mind totally integrate the mental, neurological and physical aspects of the process is one way. Another way is to do guided imagery and visualization on a regular basis where the mind vividly “practices” specific activities and behaviors. Many people link specific rituals to their actions to reinforce a peak state.
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is another technique where you use emotional, mental and physical modalities and sub modalities to achieve a specific outcome and action plan. After identifying what makes up the components of a peak state you then do it over and over and anchor it in which becomes a trigger for accessing again in the future. This can be used for creativity, public speaking, super learning states, sports, testing and anything else you can imagine.
Another simple way to look at this is being sure to align your physiology, programming and psychology. This means getting your body, emotions and thinking all connected and linked into a peak performance state. The body and mind must be fueled, hydrated, oxygenated and physically energized. The beliefs and thoughts must be conditioned, programmed and trained to perform on demand. The mind must be congruent, focused and positive that the results will take place. Also you must be willing to learn through trial and error and always focus on what is working first and then how can you become even better in the future.
Peak performance states are achieved when you align the emotional, mental and physical being and decide to get excited and be in the zone and then condition it over and over. Be sure to celebrate your results and progress and then focus on constantly improving the process. The more different peak performance states you create the more they begin to cross link and support you in other areas.
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