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Permaculture Principles
David Holmgren is an author and expert sharing his passion for Permaculture Principles centered on creative design, lifestyle and natural whole-systems thinking. The twelve permaculture principles help us apply the patterns and relationships we find in nature by integrating them into all aspects of human habitation. In balancing the macro and micro aspects of all our ecosystems we consider: agriculture, animal husbandry, conservation, ecological buildings, economics, ethics, harmony, holistic health, organic food, recycling, renewable energy, soil conservation, stewardship, sustainability, technology application and water conservation/protection.
The Permaculture Research Institute
The PRI is headed by Geoff & Nadia Lawton. They specialize in permaculture education and training worldwide. PRI is located on a Permaculture demonstration site in The Channon NSW, Australia They also provide daily Permaculture news and information at:
Permaculture Institute
When you are looking for solutions and suggestions for sustainable living this is a great resource. They offer free permaculture articles, information and resources to help you get started. They also offer Permaculture Design Courses and have a demonstration site!
Rich Soil
Paul Wheaton is a wizard at educating and promoting permaculture, through his forums, videos and website. He is a wealth of connections, information and resources on all aspects of permaculture while running his permaculture homestead near Missoula, Montana. He discusses ways to transition away from being an unhappy wage earner and towards being a permie living the permaculture principles.