Welcome to the twelfth blog on Positive Progress with Simple Steps. Last week we shared Seven Simple Steps to Hydrate after addressing how constipation is a sign of dehydration. Dehydration contributes to constipation which has many negative health consequences. Without good bowel movements, we are less likely to be energized, happy and healthy. As a holistic health coach, my role is to find baby steps that lead to big success when you are committed to upgrading your lifestyle.

Our passion and purpose are to share suggestions and simple steps for rapid results.

Constipation and Steps to Let Go Naturally

Berry and Fork

Constipation is not the result of an absence of chemical concoctions but the result of what you put in your mouth.

Reading the material in a bathroom is a sure sign of constipation. Constipation is not natural but is the end result of behaviors, beliefs and basic biology. With dedication and education, you can begin to eliminate constipation from your life naturally instead of relying on pharmaceutical products that all have detrimental side effects. Constipation is not the result of an absence of chemical concoctions but the result of what you put in your mouth. These suggestions will help you understand how to care for and nurture your digestive system so constipation problems are eliminated.

Colon cleansing, colon hydrotherapy, and enemas are valuable lifestyle choices to help with constipation issues until you can learn more about how your digestion and elimination system works best.

Constipation is due to lifestyle choices and consequences. When we eat excessive fake, fast, and junk foods with highly processed and refined ingredients we create issues for our intestines. Consuming a wide variety of nutrient-dense organic whole foods helps fuel our body and let go of waste more easily.

Glass of Water

Dehydration is a major cause of constipation so drinking water is a key part of the constipation solution.

Drink water immediately after waking in the morning and sip water throughout the day. Too much water at meals is not healthy and can dilute the stomach acids needed to properly digest foods.

Dehydration is a major cause of constipation so drinking water is a key part of the constipation solution. Adding baking soda, Epsom salt and sea salt are great ways to help keep things moving in the gut. Warm water is particularly beneficial in priming the bowels to operate more efficiently.

Fiber keeps things moving and is food for the probiotics that live in our gut and keep our microbiome healthy. Without fiber, we can get plugged up from too many fake foods lacking fiber. Fiber is prebiotic so the probiotics have food. Good choices include chia, flax and hemp seeds. BTW a bowel movement should result after each meal consumed.


Green foods at each meal are good for you and good for eliminating waste products.

Green plants provide a lot of chlorophyll, fiber, and nutrients to feed and fuel us. It is almost impossible to have constipation when you eat enough good green foods every day. Green foods at each meal are good for you and good for eliminating waste products.

Fewer glues and grains is important to reduce and relieve constipation. When we eat foods with refined flour like bread, bagels, cake, cereal, chips, cookies, crackers, pancakes and pasta we are making plaster of Paris in our gut. When it hardens due to dehydration it gets stuck like glue. Mix some flour and pasta in a bowl with water and watch it for a few days to understand how it contributes to constipation.

Many OTC medications and prescription drugs cause constipation as a side effect. Most pain killers may lead to dehydration that can then contribute to constipation. Therefore it is imperative to strive to get off all medications and take better care of your colon and health naturally. Consuming a primarily plant-based diet with a rainbow of fresh whole foods is exactly what the body needs for peak performance.

Most people have forgotten how to squat properly. Due to less time in the woods or tall toilets people are no longer properly squatting for effective elimination. Using a foot elevation device or a Squatty Potty can go a long way in helping the body with proper positioning to easily eliminate. When the knees are too low it causes a pressure point response that blocks the colon release action.


Yoga is a great way to improve your overall conditioning and health.

Weak muscles and weak peristalsis action has become contributing factors to constipation. Like any muscles, they must be properly maintained and trained to be fit and functional. Yoga is a great way to improve your overall conditioning and health.

The passion and purpose of Morningstar NEWS are to condense hours of research down to two minutes of education, information, and inspiration for a healthy lifestyle and mindset. Remember baby steps can lead to big success when you program your body and brain with proven steps for sustainable success. Happiness and health depend on proper bowel movements and elimination…so do more do!

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