The Great NEWS posts in 2015 are dedicated to sharing Healthy Habits and drinking clean water is one of the most important habits for health. Consuming adequate amounts of clean water every day is an essential healthy habit if you care about your happiness, health and longevity.  To maintain our long term health and well being we must ensure adequate clean drinking water and that means also protecting our water resources.   This post is dedicated to the reality that We Are Water (70%) so we must do whatever it takes to preserve and protect our precious water resources.

Today’s post is also dedicated to World Water Day March 22.  Since one of our most important life resources is clean water we need more awareness about how water is being polluted and wasted.  Many people in the world take clean water for granted and unknowingly contaminate and waste vast quantities of water.  Cities, communities, companies, counties and countries are polluting and wasting our water resources at an astounding rate.

We Are Water

Water Ripples

We must learn to preserve and protect our global water resources to insure our survival. Clean water is one of the most important foundations for life.

We love our baths, beaches, fountains, lakes, pools, rivers, showers, streams and swimming pools.  We love our green gardens, golf courses, landscaping, lawns, parks and yards.  What do these all in have in common?  They depend on and use vast quantities of water. It seems that people are not using common sense and connecting the dots to realize water is life and without abundant clean water our quality of life rapidly deteriorates.

While the world is about 70% covered in water way less that .1% is drinkable.  There is almost no place left on earth where water has not been contaminated and polluted with harmful toxins.   Even the fish we eat are being contaminated with toxins.  Our earth and environment appears so big people forget we live in a bubble and any poison, pollution or products dumped anywhere on earth eventually ends up contaminating the air, land or waters we need for life.

We must learn to preserve and protect our global water resources to insure our survival.  Clean water is one of the most important foundations for life.  Too many people act as if there is an endless supply of water and this is causing dire consequences.  Contaminated water and water shortages will affect every aspect of our life.

Simple Steps

Start supporting this:

  • Clean only dirty dishes, glasses and silverware.  Unused items can be returned to storage.  Reuse same the cup or glass all day.  Be sure the dishwasher is full before using.  Use only enough environmentally dishwasher soap to get dishes clean.  Pots are better washed by hand with a few drops of environmentally friendly dish soap.
  • Collect rainwater if feasible and use for gardening, washing cars and watering plants.
  • Compost your fruit and veggie scraps in your garden. Garbage disposals fill up waste water treatment plants and waste water.
  • Conserve water and reduce wastage in the home and office.
  • Demand builders install smaller showers and tubs to conserve water. Ask them to design more energy efficient homes with energy and water saving features. Take short showers and use water saving shower heads
  • Grow food bearing trees and gardens instead of grass and shrubs.
  • Install separate cold and hot faucets.  Install solar water heaters if feasible and use on demand hot water heaters near usage points to avoid excess grey water wastage.
  • #Organic farming and #permaculutre are the answer to our food production problems.Support local organic farmers that are more efficient and effective at producing food close to the user.  Less transportation saves a lot of fossil fuel and water.
  • Protect all aquifers, bays, creeks, lakes, rivers, springs and water sources from any contamination or pollution. Also protect them from depletion and over use.
  • Replace grass, flowers, plants and shrubs with native and naturally drought resistant varieties.
  • Repairs all faucet or pipe water leaks.  Replace old toilets with water saving toilets. (Dual flush or high efficiency – low water use)
  • Septic tanks may make sense in many areas.  Be sure to protect any underground water sources.  Separate black and grey water treatment is optimal.
  • Teach adults and children to wear clean clothes several times and avoid the unconscious habit of wearing once and washing. Clothes will last longer and less energy, time and water will be wasted.

Stop supporting this:

  • Garbage

    Chemicals in the plastic leach into the water and can act as hormone disrupters.

    Avoid buying #plastic water bottles.  The plastic is definitely not good for the environment or you.  Chemicals in the plastic leach into the water and can act as hormone disrupters.

  • Avoid owning the stock of drilling and oil companies that dump contaminated water into aquifers and wells and do fracking near underground water supplies.
  • Avoid buying company’s products that dump chemicals, effluent, pollution and toxins in our waters.
  • Avoid pouring old OTC or prescription medicines down the toilet which will contaminate our waters.
  • Avoid using chemicals, herbicides, insecticides and pesticides on your garden and lawn.  Try natural remedies instead.
  • Building individual home swimming pools costs big bucks and requires lots of maintenance, money and water.  Community pools are more cost effective, efficient and practical.
  • Contact your water provider to educate them on the dangers of fluoride in drinking water.  Find a way to remove the fluoride.  Calcium bentonite clay helps remove toxins from water.
  • Farm irrigation sprinklers waste most of the water sprayed on the crops to evaporation.  Many of these operations are depleting our aquifers rapidly.
  • Harmful and toxic cleaners, conditioners, dishwashing soap, gels, laundry detergents, shampoos and soaps are bad for you and contaminate our waters
  • Letting water faucets run excessively to get hot water wastes a lot of precious water. Find a way to collect and reuse this cold water.
  • Many people over water their lawns with automatic sprinklers set on timers.  Only water the grass and plants in the yard if it is absolutely necessary.  Better yet replace the grass with a drought tolerant variety which will save you money on mowing and watering.
  • Most big agriculture farms waste massive quantities of fossil fuel to plow, farm, harvest and transport crops over very long distance which is all very inefficient.  Buy from local and organic farmers.
  • Big agriculture feedlots depend on massive food crops like corn and soy being grown on massive mono-crop fields and transported long distances. The whole system is very inefficient and wasteful.
  • Never dump harmful chemicals, paints, products or oils in sewers, storm drains or toilets.  Drano and Liquid Plumber are very harmful. If you have frequent commode problems replace the commode with a high efficiency one.  Most stopped up commodes come from people who are constipated which is very harmful for your health.  Read my blog on eliminating constipation for tips.
  • Old batteries, cars, chemicals, electronics, engines, paints and trash will leak into our ground water. Dispose of properly.
  • Rather than taking long showers try a therapeutic bath with Epsom salts and essential oils.
  • Replace cotton products with bamboo, hemp or linen products since these sources require much less water for growing.

Benefits for US

Investing the energy and time to develop more efficient #permaculture and sustainable farms and food production will help adults and children be even more happy, healthy and holistic in all areas of life.  It will yield big dividends in the overall quality of life for communities and society as a whole.  We must make the changes now to insure our long term stability and sustainability for our children, adults and future generations.

Healthy Habits

The Healthy Habits 2015 series offers simple suggestions to help create more happiness and harmony.   Understanding that we are water helps adult and children become more conscious about the availability and purity of our water.  To be a prosperous and successful society we must have access to adequate amounts of clean and pure drinking water. Our children and future generations deserve to have access to abundant clean and uncontaminated water.  We must do our part to insure that all people have the opportunity for access to clean water and healthy food which also requires water to grow.  Conserving and protecting all water on our planet is a healthy habit that helps sustain all life.

This Great NEWS post on Healthy Habits shared some simple suggestions for being more active and aware for the need to protect our water resources and reduce our water usage.  Adults and children need to develop healthy habits of water conservation and protection. We depend on water for our life long happiness, health and harmony.  Adopting the mantra that We Are Water may help us be better guardians and stewards of our precious water resources.

What is your current Gap?

How much water are you wasting? What are you doing to protect and reduce your #water footprint?   Imagine the positive benefits if everyone reduced water contamination and wastage.

Mastery Action Plan (MAP)

What mastery action plans and steps will help you, your family and friends to reduce water pollution? Google the water footprint for cotton, corn and soy. Have you seen #LoveWater ?

Call to Action

What comments, commitments or concerns come to mind regarding we are water and water conservation?  What other ideas and inspiration will help motivate us towards better behaviors, beliefs and biology for a great 2015 and beyond?

Next week the Great NEWS blog will share:

Healthy Habit Psychology of Eating

PS:  Comment, like, plus and share this blog on the social media page links because family, fans, followers and friends will also benefit from The Great NEWS Coach and Transformation Life Coaching (TLC).  Thanks for your helpful support.





#Water footprint